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when the pen was lifted the ink began to dry up #19 ( short story )


short story

my dear younger brother

I was born in a very remote mountain village. Day after day, my parents plowed the yellow dry ground, and their backs faced the sky. I have a brother, three years younger than me. One time, to buy a handkerchief where all the girls around me seem to be carrying it, I stole fifty cents from my father's drawer. Dad immediately noticed. He made my brother and I kneel in front of the wall, with a bamboo stick in his hand.

"Who stole the money?" He asked.

I stare, too afraid to speak.

Father did not hear anyone confess, so he said, "All right, then, both of you deserve to be beaten!"

He raised the bamboo stick aloft. Suddenly, my sister grabbed her hand and said, "Dad, I did it!"

The long stick struck the back of my brother repeatedly. Dad was so angry that he kept whipping him until he was out of breath.

Afterward, He sat on the bed and scolded him, "You've learned to steal from home now, what shameful things will you do in the future? You deserve to be beaten to death! You're a shameless thief! "

That night, mom and I hugged my sister in our arms. His body was full of wounds, but he did not shed a single tear. In the middle of the night, I suddenly started crying and wailing. My sister covered my mouth with her little hand and said, "Sis, do not cry anymore now. Everything has happened."

I still always hate myself for not having enough courage to go ahead confess. Years have passed, but the incident still looks like yesterday. I can never forget my sister's face when she protects me. At that time, my sister was 8 years old and I was 11 years old.

When my sister was in her final year of junior high school, she graduated to go to high school in the district center. At the same time, I was accepted to enter a provincial University.

That night, Daddy squatted in the yard, smoking his tobacco cigarette, pack after bag
I heard him frown, "Both our children gave such good results ... such a good result ..."

Mother wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed, "What's the point? How can we finance both at once? "

Right then, my sister walked out to my father and said, "Daddy, I do not want to go to school anymore, I've read enough books" Daddy swung his hand and hit my sister on his face. "Why do you have a soul that is so fucking weak? if it means I have to beg on the streets I will send you both to finish! ".

I stretched my hand as softly as I could over my swollen sister, and said, "A boy must continue his studies, otherwise he will never leave this poverty chasm".

I, on the other hand, have decided not to go to university anymore.

Who would have thought the next day, before dawn came, my sister left the house with some shabby clothes and a few dried nuts. She sneaked beside my bed and left a piece of paper on my pillow: "Sister, getting into the university is not easy. I'll go find a job and send you money ".

I hold the paper on my bed, and cry with tears running down my voice. That year, my sister was 17, and I was 20. With the money my father borrowed from the whole village, and the money my brother earned from hauling cement on his back at the construction site, I finally got to the third year (at the university).

One day, I was studying in my room, then my roommate came in and told me, "There's a resident hamlet waiting for you out there!"

Why is there a resident hamlet looking for me? I walked out, and saw my brother from afar, his whole body covered with dust of cement and sand. I asked him, "Why do not you tell my roommate you are my sister?"

He replied with a smile, "Look how I look. What would they think if they knew I was your sister? Are not they going to laugh at you? "

I felt so touched, and tears filled my eyes. I swept the dust off my sister all, and stumbled in my words, "I do not care what anyone says! You are my brother no matter what! You are my sister no matter how you look ... "

From his pocket, he pulled out a butterfly-shaped hairpin. He put it on me, then said, "I see all the city girls wearing it. So I think you should have one too. "
I could not stop myself any longer. I pulled my sister into my arms and cried and cried. That year, he was 20 and I was 23.

One day I brought my boyfriend to the house, the broken window had been replaced, and looked clean everywhere. After my boyfriend came home, I danced like a little girl in front of my mother. "Mom, you do not have to spend so much time cleaning our house!"

But he said, smiling, "It was your brother who came home early to clean this house. Do not you see the wound on his hand? He was injured when installing the new window glass .. "

I went into my little brother's room. Seeing his thin face, a hundred needle felt stabbed. I put a little ointment on the wound and wrapped his wound. "Is that sick?" I asked him.

"No, it does not hurt. You know, when I work on construction sites, rocks fall on my feet every time. It does not even stop me from working and ... "

In the middle of that sentence he stopped. I turned my back to him, and tears streamed down my face.

That year, my sister was 23. I was 26.

When I got married, I lived in the city. Often my husband and I invite my parents to come and live with us, but they never want to. They say that once they leave the village they will not know what to do. My sister also disagreed, she said, "Sis, keep your father-in-law. I'll keep mom and dad here. "

My husband became a director at his factory. We wanted my sister to get a job as a manager in the maintenance department. But my sister rejected the offer. He insisted on starting work as a reparations worker.

One day, my sister was on a ladder to fix a cable, then she got an electric shock, and entered the hospital. My husband and I went to visit him. Seeing a white cast on his leg, I grumbled, "Why do you refuse to be a manager? Managers will never have to do something dangerous like this. See you now, the injuries are so serious. Why do not you listen to us before? "

With a serious face, he defended his decision.

My husband's eyes were filled with tears, and then I said a word of words, "But you lack education because of me!"

"Why talk about the past?" My sister grabbed my hand. That year, he was 26 and I was 29.

When my brother was 30 years old, he married a peasant girl from the village. At the wedding, the celebrant host asked him, "Who do you respect and love most?"

Without thinking he replied, "My sister."

He went on to retell a story that I can not even remember. "When I went to elementary school, he was in a different village. Every day my sister and I walked for two hours to go to school and go home. One day, i lose one from my gloves. My brother gave one of his own. He only wears one and goes far. When we got home, his hands were so shaky because the weather was so cold he could not hold his spoon. From that day on, I swear, as long as I am alive, I will look after my brother and be kind to him. "

Applause filled up the room. All the guests turned their attention to me. The words were so hard to utter out of my lips, "In my life, the person I am most thankful for is my sister."

And on this most happy occasion, in front of this crowd of celebrations, tears stream down from my face like a river.

Can we have a big soul like the little sister who is like in the story, ... but anyway, whose name you should keep and we respect, whether it be a brother or a brother. Because what is the meaning of life if you can not make your family and siblings happy?

thank you for visiting

Everyone will generally love to exchange gifts. The recipient likes to get an unexpected surprise and the giver is happy because the gift is useful and greeted with pleasure.

It is this pleasure that makes small gifts of any kind and at any price to be something special and familiar with the recipient's and giver's relationships. The importance of this prize exchange is narrated by Thabrani "Let each of you give a gift, because the gift can continue the love and remove the impurity of the heart.

