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You must understand that this is inspired by truth. We have been burdened by the tools of advancing technology in the hands of the good, the bad, and the vulnerabilities of humanity. Those with greedy aims will seek to use such tools and us, along with them, to pave the path with only their own intentions. We become burdened by the desires for better, the frustrations of injustice, and the mind games of those that will sew chaos.

We can prevail. This is a story of building walls of protection from a harsh world and breaking them down with the conviction of love and grace.

Walls binding me in refused to bend
Pounding my fists, I demanded a way through
But shuttered, my mind remained enclosed within
Reflection tells stories I might rather forget
I built those walls, so high & so dense
With hands bloody & sore, I labored in need
For it became a day that love forgot how to shine through
How could Love stand amongst so many whispering tales of goodness
Tales that would wither away upon the tongues of the Sayers
Sayers that seek to lure and to take
Flanked by Salem and Rome
Mobs bang mindlessly; witches cackle feverishly
Even the gladiators delight
Where only the Lions make any sense
Peering through the lenses of perception I saw
Doubt filtered in
What could Love do
But become a wound?
Folded in, throbbing tear of skin, a wound rending the universal space
Body pressed in a fold against the cold floor
I gave salty waters, for all
Until nearly dry, I poured out sorrow
In a thrust of will, hands tugged & pulled
Creating walls, pure and strong
Safely bound until Love could remember the way
God's eyes upon His hands, waiting patiently for Love to find Grace
Angels alongside the walls, awaiting the hammering of Love breaking through
The sands have sifted through the glass the light peeks through walls crumbling away
Once again, Love can spiral through time & space
Held within the arms of God and the wonders of Grace
Chaos remains, but does not reign
Shattered souls wander, still lost in this place
Soon, the seeds of hope and of justice will sprout
Magnetic forces will mend all that have become broken
Visions of verity shine through the light
Love's palm settles upon the wound of the world
The story is being written with faithful hand
Natural forces & Divine threads
Of course, the ending and the beginning are met with Love & GraceMindInspired_Logo_Undone2.png

Remember, this is a true story.

God Bless. MindInspired
If you like my story, please Twitter tag @Iammindinspired
If you do not like my story, but love drama, please Twitter tag @mindinspired
Kidding. I won’t wish anything upon an unsuspecting stranger.
Don’t forget the “IAm” or you won’t reach me.