RE: Some thoughts about prenatal trauma and childhood trauma

What you referring to stems heavily from behavioural and cognitive psychology. Indentifying behaviour, and issues and then changing ones approach to dealing with them.. the change takes a while but the fact that you are now aware of what you don't want and looking out for those behaviour is great. Even if you slip up, you already making progress coz you instantly realise you have and can take corrective steps and measurements to try and handle it better in future. If remember when studying same thing was said, companies and medical aids will rather cover drug therapies than behavioural therapy. But the later 8s definitely more effective. I dont practice, but my studies definitely helped me with a lot of my childhood trauma. Also grew up with unhappy 0atents who stayed together for 30+ years. Fighting to the ends, till my father passed 2 years ago. I have my own family now with a little girl and try my best to not fuck her up emotionally. Parenting is hard though. And I also realise that despite my parents being dysfunctional, they too have a lot of undealt trauma and were doing the best they could. But it's up to us to break the cycle. I wish you love and happiness, and a full happy heart! !LUV

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