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How can a 46 years old man cope with a foreign society? What's your role in society?

Yesterday I had a small talk with my father, one that I wish none of you will ever have, we were talking about the possibility of him fleeing the country alone and sending me money to complete my studies, and the final decision to flee the country if the situation gets worse for us or the government doesn't leave this year
He told me that the problem is that he is useless, the only thing he knows how to do is talking, he has been a salesman all of his life and is a very intelligent men with a lot of mental capabilities but is not the type of person to get into a new country to work doing tasks in any other area, and is unlikely that he would find a job as a salesman right at arrival and that make me think a lot

Where is the value of a person as a piece of the big machine that its society? Is on the knowledge and mental capacities or in the physical abilities?

I think is both of them, in the assembly line mental effort has no importance, but at a management level all the work is done with the purest metal process, but, what happens when we switch sides?

What happens if we suddenly put the manager of the airline as a pilot, and we put the pilot as the manager? maybe the plane would crash and the company would bankrupt in a short time

My father is 46 years old, he's a great salesman and a great businessman, but he knows nothing about any other kind of job. What will happen when he faces the reality of a foreign land where the most common job offer will be cleaning dishes in a restaurant?

This puts a lot of mental work on me because I will face something similar soon if I'm to leave the country. What will be my place in this new society?

 Leave me your thoughts in the comments, adding some background of why my father might be leaving, we currently live on Venezuela