We Are Eternal

When we experience in time what God is unbound by time we want more.

My wife and I welcomed our third child into this world a few weeks ago. Zara Elizabeth will be 6 weeks young on Saturday. As you can imagine she has captured our attention and imagination. This morning I have been able to capture her for a few moments on my shoulder as she sleeps. There is nothing like holding a precious child as they rest.

I realize now as I hold her that this is the most time we have enjoyed as the two of us since she has been born. The first moments of a child’s life in our family tends to be filled with, well, lots of family. My wife and I both come from families that are close, care for one another and are willing to help when a new baby arrives. That tends to mean that I watch with a smile as our newborn is passed from one glowing face to another. I am not upset by that reality - I welcome it.

There is something about a newborn child that holds a piece of eternity. Maybe it is the fact this child came from God not long ago. Maybe it is the reminder that we too were once children and now we are slightly older and bigger children.

The precious child I hold in my arms now will, Lord willing, be a mother to another child. And her child, Lord willing, shall be a mother to her grandchild. So we exist and come to exist in this space time. Still, there is always more. And while we enjoy this present light and shun the present darkness we know that one day all will be filled with light.

I am eternal, as are you. These dying bodies began to die the very day we inherited them in our mother’s womb. Yet, we are eternal. We are a spirit. We have a soul and we exist in a body. What comes next depends on what we believe. I for one, am excited for the now and ever more excited for the ever more.

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