Home is a State of Being

My wife and I are home this weekend with family. She has a meeting within a 1 hour drive of grandparents so it is a great excuse to visit with the grand babies.

Home for us is also 9 hours southwest of where we grew up. You may be wondering how we can call home 2 different places at the same time. For me, home is a state of being. We make the physical a home by knowing we are spiritual.

You and I are a spirit. We have a soul and we live in a body. All that we see around us is malleable for our own making. God never made a table. He did make the wood. You and I have the opportunity to either make the table or bless someone who makes it for us.

It is around the kitchen table that so many of our homely memories are made. It is that place where we sit, enjoy a meal, and share our experiences of the space time gone by. What we call home is the space time we inhabit, and it can be wherever we choose to be.

Choosing to be is the ultimate gift for each one of us as human beings. It is the state we choose to rest in whatever state we choose to walk in. That may be the southern United States, or the northern most part of Norway. Circumstances do not have a say in that unless we choose to allow them. Neither does someone in dis-ease have a say in it unless we choose to be offended.

As Christians, we can be home wherever we are. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it (Psalm 24:1). We are seated with our Father in heaven (Ephesians 2:6).

We are home because of I AM. Time has no constraint on eternity. Neither need space time sway you out of your feeling of home. Be home. Be still. Be.

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