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Street begging: My view and way out

Street begging has now become a striking phenomenon in almost all the major cities in our country. Beggars have constituted themselves into a menace and a nuisance. Whilst some of them go about their ‘business’ (for begging has assumed the proportion of being a business) in a gentle and persuasive manner, quite a number of them harass, intimidate and sometimes threaten innocent citizens who go about their lawful business. Immediately there is a traffic hold up (which beggars are always happy about) you will see swarms of them bombarding motorists in an attempt to squeeze some wads of notes from them. This phenomenon is undoubtedly a recent development. in the days of old, it was quite possible to drive or walk along the street peacefully without being besieged by an army of beggars. What then can be responsible for this sudden upsurge of street begging? Many factors can be identified.

One prominent factor that has contributed to this menace is the downturn of the economy of the country. The economy is so bad that many people have been thrown into the labour market. This is because many factories are closing down almost on a daily basis. Some people are therefore forced to beg in order to make ends meet.

Accidents also happen on our roads everyday. Many people who are lucky to survive in these accidents end up being maimed. They thus become disabled. The ‘trade’ that first readily comes to the mind of such a disabled person is begging. And so we find all sorts of people with varying disabilities on the streets, begging.

lndolence is yet another factor. Some able-bodied and agile men and women love to enjoy a life of ease and pleasure but are unwilling to engage in profitable ventures. So these able-bodied persons who should have been engaged in various forms of gainful employment laze about. They therefore take to street begging as an easy way of getting money thus fleecing the hardworking lots.

What is the way out of this nagging problem? One major solution is the substantial improvement in the country’s economy. The economy must be improved in such a way that the industries and factories that have been closed down will be reopened. This will provide employment opportunities for the teeming population.

Another way of tackling the problem is to make determined efforts to reduce drastically the incidence of road accidents. The agencies saddled with the responsibility of checking excessive speed and other excesses of the drivers should be revitalized. These agencies should perform their duty without fear or favour. Such agencies should be closely monitored so that their ofiicials do not become agents of bribery and corruption. Once the rate of road accidents is reduced, disabled persons as a result of road accidents will be drastically reduced.

If these measures are taken street begging will be drastically reduced. And from the view of a macro economist, livelihood is said to improve.

Thanks for your time, I'm LurvieB ✍

This article is not intended to attack the less privileged in any way. But suggesting what could be done to ensure improved standard of living.