The Next Good Question (Part 2)


Continuing with the brainstorming, the gather and sort.

I have recently been invited to collaborate. In regards to the writing process, in the past I have had trouble with this, but several things have me open to it.

▪ A good friend who I respect personally and creatively.
▪ Willingness at this stage of my life or of my humanity to team up, to experiment with taking a step more toward going with the flow creatively.
▪ Curiosity on how thia will influence my energy or inspiration, my deadlines and dates, my moments.
▪ We jived on the first and loose creative sessions, riffs, bounces back and forth.

It's that simple for me in this decision.

Now comes or more specifically continues the gather and sort, current personal curiosities of life, world, situation, urge, character, outlines, arc, motif, etc.

Structure is huge for me.
These days I want to wait as long as possible before I type out any scene header or description, any wryly, or any dialogue.
Love it.

This will also possibly my deepest dive into episodic or television format writing. In past I have been much more focused on feature screenwriting--the one sitting storytelling. The two have extreme similarities and yet extreme differences.
More ramblings on that perhaps later.

Be well.
(words and image are original)
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