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The Myth Episode 4

"Sir we can't hold them much longer!" Major Dan shouted into the walkie-talkie
"Hold on and press with all you got with your squad. We have to win this battle." General Smith replied him.
"Copy that! Over and out" Major Dan replied.
The Major hung up and roused the few remaining forces to attack. The battle between Al-zay and the Ghanaian army was a fierce one. Bombshells flew around like bees around honey and bullets whizzed around. To top up the turmoil in the death arena, the sun shone with full throttle as if it knew what was going on down there. General Smith Akanze was in charge of dealing the final blow to exterminate the terrorists from Ghana. He was Godsway's father and he was married to Agnes. Three children followed; Godsway was the third. The first and second were a pilot and a sergeant major respectively in the Armed forces. The update he received from Major Dan wasn't pleasing.. If they lost the town, it will be a huge blow to them, because the town under siege was strategically placed and any party that controls it had a major advantage over their enemies.
"Issac!" He shouted
"Yes General!" Issac saluted.
"Signal captain Emmanuel to send air support to the Al-zay battle field. We must win this battle. Get going soldier!" He ordered.
"Yes General." Issac marched away and began discharging his duties.
"Hello Major? Come in!" General Smith called out.
"General sir, we could really use some help. We're pinned down." Major Dan replied him.
"In 30 seconds, the KC-2 fighters will supply adequate air support. Hold on."
"Thanks General. The timing is immaculate"
"And Sergeant Kofi?"
"He has a bullet in his leg, but he is using a sniper rifle undercover to fight sir."
"Okay. How many casualties?"
"50 plus. 25 wounded, 15 need immediate care and 20 have bitten it sir."
"The fighters will be reaching you now. Keep me posted."
"Okay General Sir. Over and out".
Major Daniel hung up, picked up his G07-X assault rifle and continued in the heated battle. The fighters arrived and instantaneously began to provide the necessary air support pushing the rebels back. The Ghanaian Army now with renewed enthusiasm pursued relentlessly and using all available weapons as they did so.

"Good morning class" Mrs. Jane greeted as she walked in.
"Good morning madam" a chorus reply went up.
"I trust you guys are ready. Today we have a lot of time to ourselves. Your Elective math teacher won't be present, so I'd absorb his period into mine. Various group leaders step up with your members and sit according to your groups." She was done talking and the students spent close to 3 minutes putting themselves in check for the presentation. Group 1 was headed by Ama, group 2 by Patrick and Group 3 by Prince.
"Okay, group 1. Set the ball rolling. Your time starts now." She instructed them as she began her countdown.
Ama breathed in and out several times and took the podium. In her white blouse and blue skirt with her black shoes and black socks, contrasting her chocolate skin with black hair mixed with a bit of green, she looked absolutely beautiful. In a clear modest voice, she began to spill out their findings. Their presentation covered how the Zekious came into being and the Krystone. In their research, Ama and her members said the Krystone was shaped like a large dagger-like diamond, and that the creators of this artefact packed some kind of power into it. Like how the energy from a lightning bolt is stored in a high-density ultra thin dielectric capacitor, except that the power stashed into the Krystone was approximately equal to the energy output of a blue supergiant star in its lifetime. An extraordinary power source. How a civilization 3,000 years ago was able to create this device, it was unknown. Also according to their presentation, the Zekious were very powerful and advanced. As a result, a lot of the other kingdoms gave them homage and sought shelter from their enemies within the walls of the Zekious. They were done with their presentation.
"Well done group 1! Any questions for them?" Mrs. Jane asked
"Madam!" Janet called
"Yes Janet, what's your question?"
"Madam, I will be happy if the group tells us if this Krystone still exist and will it still be powerful as it was?" Janet asked
"You heard it. Let's hear your answer." Mrs. Jane said to group 1.
Amina began "Well Jane, the Krystone's existence is something archeologists aren't so certain about. They only found the ruins of the Zekious, but they never found the Zontelisk, the structure that apparently holds the Krystone." Amina answered her.
"And to add more flesh," Sampson began "the power contained in the Krystone will still be powerful as compared to how powerful it was" he finished.
"Why?" The entire class asked instinctively
"As to why, I was able to lay my hands on some restricted files on the dark web using the tor network. According to them, the Krystone's molecular structure was the same as the giant tetrahedral diamond molecular structure, making it unbreakable. Also, the same technology today used to manufacture plexi-glass was employed in its creation. Very hard, and ductile. But then, as current can't flow through it, it will still remain powerful. Whatever kind of energy in there then is still there now. But that file didn't mention how it was made, and whether it is true or just a myth among the Zekious civilization." Joey the class nerd supplied.


How did Joey lay his hands on such information and who is he? What information do the other two groups have in store for us? And who are these Al-zay terrorists and what do they want?

Find out in the episode 5 of your favourite series, The Myth.
Don't forget to engage your friends and family in this journey. Thanks for reading my work. I'd see you all real soon.


Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1