Causes Of Weight Loss Hard Down

Think of weight drop-down does indeed make a frustration. Avid sports is not a guarantee of your weight would be ideal, as long as it is still doing these mistakes.

In addition to physical activity, factors in this sport, nutrition is also a major influence on body weight. Calorie intake is higher than the actual, clearly not favourable for who want to thin.

But of his own, there are also some errors that need to be corrected.

The movement less markedly

When sports, many people focus on one type of movement. For example, the stomach to shrink throughout the day just doing sit ups. This movement is very focused on the abdominal muscles, because to isolate the muscle movement. Of course very effective. But in terms of calorie burning, far more effective if involving other muscle groups by adding another movement as a variation.

Intensity is not increased

The human body is very good at doing adaptations, including the muscles and nervous system. Only in 6-8 weekends, sports seems to lose its benefits if done with the same intensity. At that point, the plateau. Weight no longer goes down, as if a Muscovy duck. To resolve it, gradually the intensity should always be improved.

Focus only on cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is indeed burn a lot of calories. It's no wonder on runners and cyclists the sleek body-slim. But don't expect the body will seramping that if it relies solely on cardio exercise. Add weight training session will increase muscle mass, which means it also increases energy consumption of calorie burning.


Underestimating the rest

Rest is an important part of the exercise. Sports in conditions of muscle fatigue will never give you maximum results. It took a break to give the chance of muscle cells repair themselves from damage, in order to function optimally in the next practice session.

Not consistent

Heavy sports on weekends, will surely burn a lot of calories. But don't expect the weight will go down with immediately, if six more the following day sitting in front of the computer. The effect of sports against metabolic rate will soon be lost if not executed on a regular basis.

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