Why I Love Science…and You Should too

At its Roots Science is a Quest to Answer 'Why?'

For as far back as humans have existed, we have been an intelligent species. We have used our large brains to look at something and ask one of life’s most important questions:


This question has been the root cause of all technological progress since the dawn of man. Science isn’t a set of beliefs, nor is it a code of conduct. It’s a method for answering that question, a way for gathering evidence to provide an explanation for ‘Why?’.

Science as we know it revolves on following a process known as “The Scientific Method”. This method begins with that fundamental question of Why? We observe a phenomenon, and put forth a hypothesis to explain the question and set forth to test that hypothesis by doing experiments.


Anyone who follows the scientific method is in fact, a scientist. You may not have a fancy degree, or years of background knowledge on a topic, but you are a scientist. When you ask why, propose an explanation and determine whether your explanation makes sense. That is science, it may not always be flashy, but many times the crudest of experiments have led to some of our greatest findings!

Science is All About Testability

I love Science and the scientific method because it doesn’t accept lines of thinking which one cannot test. It separates facts from belief (not that belief is bad, it and faith are a wonderful part of life as well, but they are not science), and allows us to forge a path forward where experimental findings build on one another. Many times when an experiment is done, you are standing on the shoulders of many brilliant thinkers who have come before you! Oftentimes you observe a result that has never been seen by any other person, living or dead, in the history of humanity. You become the keeper (until you tell someone else) of a piece of knowledge. It’s a remarkably unique experience to know that you have figured out something that nobody else ever has. Maybe only a handful of people on the planet would care about your discovery, that doesn’t detract from how amazing it is to be able to put forth an answer for ‘Why?’ that someday, someone out there might use to generate a new piece of knowledge that nobody else has ever known.

I love Science, as the scientific method holds the key to the door of understanding. I hope you feel the same way, whether or not you have a piece of paper saying you are a scientist doesn’t make you one. What makes you a scientist is a quest for knowledge, and a desire to know ‘Why?’.

I love science…and you should too.

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