Demonic angel-hunter

It was a cool, calm, beautiful night. A night to be out, and there were many people out on the streets. Ihduh was scanning the crowds looking for trouble. Eric was walking; sort of lagging behind. He wanted to head into North Daytona, but Ihduh said that the police might pull them over, and then they get in to some type of trouble with the cops.


“Ihduh, I don’t want to go all the way to Daytona. I’m feeling a little sick. Maybe we could see about finding some food. I want to dispose of that bag of blood anyway. It tasted funny, and all the blood I drank in that alley had turned to dust. How about we go another way by the ocean.”

“Alright, Eric. We’ll go to Daytona, and then we’ll head east to the ocean.”

Eric smiled, no one wants to mess with a vampire that smells like blood. His mind said the same thing, even though his body was extremely hungry. He rubbed his stomach, “that blood tasted good.” Eric thought about the blood at the other end of the alley, “maybe tomorrow, I’ll need some more.” Eric pondered about how people just you ask for blood, but some would rather have it on the side. Typically, all vampires go to the same places to get it. It was a cultural thing that started millions of years ago, and was now the norm in the vampire world. The kids like it. After all, it’s neat being able to walk around at school; hanging out with friends and not have to face the sun, or being like everyone else. Other than that, people were just trying to survive, and that was most people anyway.

Ihduh did not like the smell of blood, and said so, “it’s gross.”

Eric smiled, “listen, I know we went to the same schools, but you were never actually in one. You were never able to enjoy what we had. There’s lots of things you’d be able to enjoy, if you were actually in one.”

“But that’s not my purpose. Besides, even if I was at one of the schools, I’d still have to know what to do. I’ve never been to school, and even if I was at one, I don’t think I’d know what to do.”

“You’d probably be fine.”

“No. You are with me though. I don’t have to learn anything. You know everything. I hate the smell of blood, and I hate the smell of rotting flesh.”

“Weren’t those two spells I put on you?”

“Yes, but they are poorly made. The blood I smelled was a perfect example of the spells making them too weak.”


“I don’t understand why you didn’t cast those spells on me a long time ago. I hate the smell of blood, and rotting flesh.”

They walked for awhile, talking. Ihduh was helping Eric stay out of the sun. She was able to see a few minutes into the future to ensure that it would not happen. Eric didn’t have any spells on him other than Ihduh’s. Eric was not as experienced as Ihduh at understanding the visions that the spells provided. He was not able to filter out the visions that he did not want to see. He saw about ten or fifteen past events, and fifteen or twenty potential future events of he and Ihduh’s way to Daytona.

Eric walked slightly ahead of Ihduh. Once they crossed the bridge separating Clearwater from Daytona, he looked back to Ihduh. She was looking at the people passing them by.

“Ihduh, are you alright?”

“Yes, it’s nothing, just looking at all the people.”

“Well, what do you see?”

She tilted her head, and looked at Eric. Her eyes widened, “One of them is going to mug you.” She closed her eyes.

“What? Where?”

“Not now, but soon. It’s too soon for me to know which one.”

Eric looked around at all the people. He saw a few who might try something illegal. Just then, he saw one of the men speaking to a lady. He stopped. A few seconds later, she smiled and walked away from the man. Eric smiled. Ihduh had told him exactly what would happen. Ihduh stopped walking. She walked up to the man and whispered into his ear. He turned and walked away. A few seconds later, Eric heard sirens and saw a police cruiser coming. The officer set up the stop, and got out.

“You two,” he said, “put your hands up.”

Eric smiled. He thought the officer had not seen him. Ihduh smiled and put her hands up. She didn’t see anything wrong with what the officer told her to do. She did not understand the ramifications.

“What’s going on officer?” Ihduh asked.

“The lady you just approached, she’s our chief of police.”

Ihduh moved her hand toward her pocket to grab the fancy dagger that Eric had given her. Eric grabbed her hand and knocked the dagger out of her hand. It clanged with a flash of flames and smoke into the ground.

The officer looked down at the dagger. He moved his hand toward his gun. Before he could think about what happened, Ihduh reached through the officer’s mind and removed the gun from his holster. He looked down at the gun he had just taken out of his holster. Ihduh looked at it, but didn’t move. She let out a sigh and put it back. She proceeded to walk along with Eric.

She looked around, “how long do you think it will take for this siren to get here.”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it will be long. He was probably just making sure we weren’t fleeing. A few seconds later, Ihduh removed his gun.” You won’t bolt, will you?” He asked.

“Soon.” She smiled.

“Why do you run from the police officer? You scared him.”

“No. I only scared him. He brought it on himself. Besides, the scrolls tell me you should never run from anyone, let alone a police officer.” Eric said.

“Why do you always say the scrolls told you?”

“Because they always did. I don’t know why, but things just always worked out when I thought they should.”

“These scrolls were worth a lot of money. They might be traceable to us.”

“Don’t worry too much about it. We should probably be running, not walking.”

“Alright,” she said, “Ihduh smiled.

They slowly walked. The officer who was in front of Ihduh disappeared from the sidewalk. The sidewalk was gone, and Ihduh was running, being chased by a huge red demon. The demon had a red-orange tint to its skin, around his face and eyes. It roared and waved its huge tail, swatting Ihduh away as it ran away.

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