Young Again ...Part 7 …Labyrinth

I'm in the labyrinth that multiplies by thousands dangers inherent in the act of living, and no one will see if I get lost or am torn limb from limb by the cave-Minotaur of conscience.
―Friedrich Nietzsche

Sage as Minotaur

I'm not sure if I made the best choice in the way I reacted to Eve's news about Sage trying to gain access to our clinical trial protocols. Just the idea of Sage sneaking around behind my back made me seethe and I probably got defensive with Eve.

I mean, I just took a huge step asking her out to lunch and then my psycho ex turns up.

Okay, maybe I'm getting a bit too intense. It wasn't a 'lunch date' exactly―Henry was there as well, but it was heading in that direction, damn it, until Sage threw a spanner in the works.

Last thing I wanted was to make Eve think I had been on a date with another woman.

Oh God, I can't believe I said that. I'm obviously out to lunch all right―I think I'm losing it because I'm so invested in this project.

But then, it's not just the project, either―it's Eve who concerns me.

I overheard her once talking to one of her friends about an ex-boyfriend who caused her too much grief. She complained the relationship drained her because she was never sure of where she stood with him.

I should have been more forthcoming about the threat Sage posed to the project and less concerned about how that made me look in Eve's eyes.

I think I have this unique talent for screwing things up without really trying.

Lucky me.

Just past five in the afternoon, I watch sadly as once again the elevator doors close on Eve and she's gone again for the night.

Once again, I'll sit by the fire, watching the lone wolf moon circle the room, alone.

By the time I arrive home It's too late to go for a jog, so I resign myself to ordering pizza and watching the hockey game. I PVR all the Leafs' games, but if they lose, I can't bear to watch. I think it's because I've had too much loss in my own life to watch someone else fail as well.

But by 9 pm when I check the score, they're well on their way to defeat and I resign myself to watching CNN for an hour and then wending my way to bed.

The plan was to get off the couch, but that didn't happen. I suppose the stress caused by Sage's sudden re-appearance took its toll and I fell asleep mid-way through Anderson Cooper's segment.

While deep in sleep, I dreamt about the nightmarish clash between Sage and Eve that began as a contest between two women's wills and ended up with them fighting over me.

The altercation was very bitter and violent with Sage transforming into a Minotaur intent on devouring her and Eve barely managing to escape by shrinking herself to the point where she disappeared from Sage's sight.

I awoke in a cold sweat, trembling with fear.

The dream reminded me of the jealous confrontation between Athena and Arachne in Greek mythology with Athena being a goddess with authority and Arachne, a mere mortal, who was transformed into a spider.

That figures, I muse, Might always wins over right―Eve won't stand a chance going up against Sage who's Chair of the Department of Psychology.

And it's then that the truth dawns. I don't need to shield Eve from knowing about Sage and my relationship. I need to protect her from Sage's venomous rage.

It's up to me to fight this battle.

To be continued…

© 2022, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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