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We are all Intellectual Fraud


Call any person who has been on this platform long enough and ask them to tell you about the core tenets of Steemit and the very first answer you will get is; Reward content creators for original works
Amazing as this sounds from the mouth of the teller and to the ears of the receiver who feels that it is no big deal creating original content, do we really create original works on steemit?

Before I will began this exposition, I will like us to look into the word Original
Original has different meaning some of which I would highlight.
Relating to origin or beginning; preceding others
First in the series of copies or version
Newly created
Fresh, Different and Pioneering.


From the above definition, one could see that anything that is called original is something that is first of its kind. Never done before, never seen before and outrightly different from all the conventional things ever created.
Original is better describe as the creation of a thing which through the human existence, the idea has been in inertia; that is in a state of inactivity that was only brought into manifestation through the brain stimulation of the pioneer author or creator of a work.

Through out the human history you will discover that of you really want to say something was the original work of a person, it turns out to be things that have really shaped the standards of human life and living in general.
###### Take for example Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in 1876. This to some extent is what is called original work.
Thomas Edison was credited with the invention of light bulb in 1879
Computer scientist Lawrence Roberts, honoured for the creation of the Internet. In the 1960s, a team of computer scientists working for the U.S. Defense Department's ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) built a communications network to connect the computers in the agency, called ARPANET.
The Wright brothers, credited for the creation of the first flying airplane.
###### In 2008 Satoshi Nakamoto after some experiment on his peer to peer electronic cash system, created the first digital coin. _____ ### However, even though these inventions are given to these men, are they really the original creators? ###### When Alexander Graham Bell produced the first phone, it was discovered that he only built on what other pioneers of voice transmission had started before the got it right. You should know too that those pioneers brought an intellectual property law suit against him when the phone production became a hit. Of course they lost. ###### Thomas Edison built on the works of Nicola Tesla to successfully create the light bulb. Can you say that the production of this invention is original? ###### Even prior to the release of bitcoin there were a number of digital cash technologies starting with the issuer based e cash protocols of David Chaum and Stefan Brands. Adam Back developed hashcash. [Source]( _______ _____ ![image]( ### Writers are Same ###### The same can be applicable to writers. There is no knowledge ever written, no work ever created that cannot be traced to a work or knowledge of the ancient past. You don't have to be a bible scholar to know that even king Solomon in his infinite wisdom said that there is nothing new under the sun. ###### The world knowledge is a recycle of ancient knowledge that has had been done by someone else, sometime and somewhere. _______ ###### I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday and was complaining that I have no topic to write on. It has been a problem especially if you have the zeal to be a constant blogger on this platform. ###### Then I told him that, I know the antidote to not having anything to write. He probed further and I explained to him that, what I do is to read Steemit post of other people, and by the time I am done I must have come across a post that will trigger a topic to develop on. ###### He said; oh, that is what you do? ###### I said; oh yes, that is what everyone does. The only thing that sets our work apart from everyone else is our touch of uniqueness we add to it. ________ ###### For example, a photographer cannot become a good one if he does not saturate himself with the works of other photographers. ###### You only label him good and better because he was able to improve upon what he had seen and then add his personal touch to it. ###### There is no known writer on earth who when narrating days of writing a book or novel, does so without telling you that the days of those writings was also commensurate with the days of reading and research. _______ ______ ![image]( ### Sources of Original creations
According to Napoleon Hill, creation of a thing is actually birthed through one of these following ways;
1.The subconscious mind. Which have stores every impressions or thought impulse that have gotten to the brain through the five senses
2. The mind of a some other person who releases a thought to our conscious mind.
3. Infinite Intelligence.
Over time, we discover that we view things in a better way and improved version when it has been read and read over time. Our subconscious mind goes into the store of our accumulated experience that has been read or seen from other person idea to develop its own.
And at most times you discover that what we have is a regurgitation of what has been seen, done or written before, making it bland and uninteresting.

Be that as it may, what now makes one looks better and brighter is the ability to reaching the Infinite intelligence that is in the world through the sixth sense of creative imagination.
When this is tapped, the result is an improvement of what has been done, not entirely the original.
Quintessentially, is the steemit block chain. What @ned and @dan did was taking the knowledge seen and read over time in their subconscious storehouse, as well as the subconsciousness of other minds and tapping their creative force to give us the first cryptocurrency social media.

If then most of the created works are a recycle of what is in existence. Where then did the pioneers of these knowledge get theirs from?

The human nature is built to solving problems and bringing solutions. That is why we are higher class of the animals.
The creation of the knowledge is hinge upon man's quest to find understanding to the world. And in constant search, he finds the wisdom which is not in operative in the normal planes of the human existence. This is what the Christians call Revelation. Others call it altered state, higher consciousness or self sentience.


Even more relatable is the fact that when we come into some difficulty in solving a problem at first. You discover that you have little or no idea about how to solving it. The brain is in the state of tabula rasa, without any inkling on what to do. But through constant fixation of the problem, at one point the needed answers to what we have been so Much seeking pops like a hunch in the mind and the thing is solved.
The hunch or revelation as always been innate in man. The only thing needed to get to it, is to stimulate the brain and the answers would come from the infinite knowledge. Infinite knowledge being that gotten from the supreme being.
And this is accessible because, humans are gods. We just need to open our mind to our own wisdom.

So the truth is that the world is run through the recycle of knowledge in existence. We only improve on what has been done, by tapping the knowledge of the past which makes us seem godlike.

