"Tougher Stuff" - A Poem

My heart was always
In the right place
Slightly left
Of center in my chest
You could hear with every beat
I was just doing my best
But my results
Have varied wildly
To put it mildly
So sometimes best
Doesn't feel like
Clearly it's less
Or maybe it's just
The voice
Of the thought
Of giving up
Saying to give in
Time's up
But not for me
And not today
I'm made of
Tougher stuff


One day I will look back on today's sacrifices and struggles with a smile. To be honest, I'm smiling a little right now, actually. Maybe it's just because I can see a way forward for the first time in a long long time. And I may also be glad that I found a moment to write this post. I'm supposed to be sleeping, of course, but I've captured this moment here and now forever. That's special.


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