The Antique Shop

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You enter the shop. The old man behind the counter looks at you. He starts to talk to you.

"We don't see young people here very often"

You tell him the past is intriguing. He agrees.

"That's why I own this shop. So, do you want to buy something or did you come to sell?"

Negative. You just came to have a look.

There are all types of things in his shop. Some well-preserved, some less. Ranging from old Terracore artefacts to 17th-century porcelain.

While you walk past countless objects of all sizes he tells you their individual stories from behind his counter. You listen, nodding and asking something every once in a while.

You come to the end of the last row of items.

On a pile of old books lays an object, concealed under a piece of fabric.

It pulls you towards it. You remove the fabric.

The man stops talking.

You see a dark gem, a black color you had never seen before. The shape is that of a square but cut diagonally.

You want to ask the man something but then you see his face. You look back at the gem. It changed color. now it has a slight red tint on the edges. Your hand reaches to touch it but the man stops you. You didn't hear or see him move. In his eyes glows the same red as the one that outlines the stone.

You open your mouth but he is faster.

"Family piece."

He covers the gem back up.

You apologize and leave. The bell above the door jingles when you close it.

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