Top Tips Thursday (Storytelling)

The tips I am about to give you will help you create a story that will capture your reader. You will also have a general layout to use.

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Today's topic: Storytelling

Today's tips are:

To write any good story you will need a few tools. I have read through many different article/lessons on how to write a good story. I have put many of these things to practice and I discovered that some work better than others.

Tip 1: Give the reader something to relate to. This is best done right at the beginning of a book. One of my favourite this is place, setting up and describing a place where both the reader and the characters can relate to.

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Tips 2: Problem, life is full of problems, so why can't your story also have a problem. This works really well as the reader can relate again to something you are talking about.

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Tip 3: Now that we have a problem we need a solution to this problem. The best way to put this solution into your story is progress. Progress is where you start with the problem and slowly introduce the solutions to the problem.

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Tip 4: Climax, there is nothing more important in a story than the climax. If you have a bad climax in your story it destroys it all, no matter how good all the characters are developed or your plot or story line. But make sure that you end your story really well.

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Tip 5: Tie it all up. Linking everything together is a great idea, it helps your reader not get lost while reading your story. It also makes tying up all the lose ends a lot easier at the end of your story. Never leave any lose ends dangling at the end of any story.

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

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