KUFO (The little giant)

Image source: shutterstock

Once upon a time....

There was a giant named kufo, he lived in a town called Giantsville, which is funny because the dwarfs also lived in this town, though both sides didn't quite get along, the Giants didn't think the dwarfs were important, the Giants were the big guys, so to speak, they weren't very smart, but they were strong, very impulsive creatures, they were the rulers, the fighters, the guardians, the hunters while the dwarfs were basically entertainers, they loved dancing and singing, they had the most beautiful voices, the dwarfs were often bullied by the giants, the Giants would dress them up in ridiculous clothes and force them to sing to them during their feasts.

Kufo wasn't like the rest of the giants, he was smart, living with the other giants was hard, they ate like animals and they'd always do the dumbest things, like the time lulu uprooted a tree just to pluck a fruit, lulu was kufo's best friend, although she was a giant all the way, he loved her that way. Kufo wasn't brave like the others, he didn't want to risk his life for stupid things like "the great mate battle" (yes, it's what you're thinking, they fight over their females to see who gets to errr, be with them). This "great" battle (great in air quotes) would usually lead to a different kind of great battle, the kind of battle that shouldn't be fought in public, but the Giants did whatever they wanted.

Kufo would sneak out of the city to hang out with the dwarfs, he'd steal some food for them, he spent most of his time with the dwarfs, they danced together, despite the height and size difference, they made it work, the dwarfs didn't like him at first, being a giant and all, but after a while they realized he wasn't like the others.

Or maybe he was..

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