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say something, anything, rage, rant, vomit, froth, self destruct, implode,... what can you do? explain? converse? debate? on the internet?! Ha! that's a laugh. Just a keyboard, an input station, data transfer. Control alternative delete? delete is not an option, data is wealth. Slaves?! What slaves? we have booze, we have weed, we have drugs...we have TV, what do you mean slaves? Slaves? We have a choice, a vote, a duty, what evil is less? what liar is the most truthful? Choose a color, choose a sex, choose a race, choose a rat, choose a cause, choose a channel, choose a look. How can we be slaves? We have choice. We have laws, speed laws, noise laws, land laws, tax laws, gun laws, freedom laws, content laws, strong locks and yet we are so insecure. threatened on all sides, terrorists, radicals, liberals, conservatives, criminals, cops, racists, bigots, thoughts, opinions, nonsense, sense, lies, truth, aliens, immigrants, sexists, humans. what are we? why are we? a slave race? Genetic workers? Engineered, programed? As we ask alexia who we are, is not AI asking us who it is? Did we create life without actually understanding life ourselves? They say don't ask WHAT IF questions. Why? Because most decisions start with the question WHAT IF??
