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Time for time off

I often feel that I am an overfunctioning individual. I always have high standards for myself and for others and I am used with working hard.

Last week and for many weeks prior, I noticed how my creative work, ranging from art, bodypainting, writing, inspired people. I think that the true success of a person consists in planting a seed which will grow despite absence or presence. I have found in Hive a wonderful platform, a community, a friendly place. I just adore this place and I will always be here.

That being said, I announce a short time off, I will give myself the right to rest and gather my inner thoughts. 1/2 from 2020 has been a rollercoaster for me, from many aspects. I am sure that it has been the same for many of you.

I will get back next week. Have a great time and keep the good work, this place must be filled with creativity, dreams, hopes and determination!Engage, engage, engage!

Toodle loo!