You're on a Deserted Island...3 Wishes!

In college, as a “Get to Know You,” I was given the scenario, “If you were stuck on a deserted island and got 3 things magically provided, what would they be?” question. I think it is such a funny/silly question, so this is what I told the professor:

Photo by Nathan Boadle on Unsplash

I would have the following items magically provided:

  1. Teleportation device containing all it needed to function.
  2. Sour licorice
  3. An instruction booklet explaining how to use the teleportation device in easily understood terms-that is, easily understood by me.

Why these three things? So I could get away from the deserted island and back to my loved ones. After all, if items could be magically provided, we’re not in reality, so the items I get would not have to be realistic either, right?

Besides, it would be cool to be the only one with a teleportation machine, am I right? Of course I am…and sour licorice! I love the stuff! The worst thing that could happen is that you’re magically given the teleportation device, but have no way of working the contraption…thus the 3rd wish.

Did you get to know me by my response? Perhaps there are some golden nuggets in there, somewhere…lol

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