UFO Filmed in Sedona

So... I filmed a UFO last night using my new camera!
And, on the one hand I'm pretty amazed!
On the other hand I'm not super surprised because I've been seeing UFOs for so many years and I've seen so many that I lost count a while back.

I've had quite a few people over the years ask for some kind of video or picture evidence when I've told my stories of what I've seen and I never had the camera gear to really be able to do that, so I made a decision somewhat recently to get a camera that can film such and now I can! I feel validated and I'm only just getting started! 👽 ❤️ 🛸

The UFO "appears" to me to have sort of dived down in and flew over the top middle of the moon and then it makes a sudden turn and flies away in a different direction up and off into space!

I know it sounds crazy, but part of me almost feels like it was flying in like that in that manner in order to be seen by me.
A major reason I say that is because I've had quite a few what I call "telepathic" experiences with UFOs before where they seem to either show up or disappear when I'm thinking certain thoughts or when I notice them.

Also, I was sending telepathic thoughts out into the Universe asking for any "space friends" to show themselves.
It's almost like it flew right in to say "hi" to me and then it flew off! Lol... I know it sounds a bit loony... Maybe it is, but wow... Wow... Wow... Life has been so friggin crazy for me lately and for a long time!

This was only the 3rd time out with the "new" camera which is an older used camera good for low light/night conditions called the Sony A7S2 and the first two times out with the camera were just very basic rudimentary testing... This was kind of like the "first real attempt" to film UFOs and I got something pretty darn good! I feel very confident that I'm going to record a bunch more UFOs in the future, especially when it starts warming up in the Spring and Summer!!!

The UFO is pretty small and not "close up" which is like most I've seen both in person and what other people have shared on the internet, it looks like a moving star and I thought it might be a bug at first, but I think it's way too cold out for any bugs to be flying, and... I went into my video editor and played it back and forth until I noticed that I can see it both flying in from the dark of space behind/above the moon and then it flies out and away afterwards back up into the stars... Plus it's self illuminated and there were no lights on to light up any bug like that... I feel very confident this is a UFO and not just a bug or something easily explainable.

Anyways... Thanks for checking it out if you did and I look forward to filming more and sharing more in the future when I can! :)

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