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The adventure continues...

Went on another adventure the other day. :)

Didn't really learn anything new this time, but saw another butterfly and a couple more caterpillars and thoroughly enjoyed myself!

My back was a bit out of place and hurting, plus it was kinda hot out too... Though, I went slow and took my time and had a lot of fun and kept reminding myself to be grateful.

If I ever find myself getting lonely or upset these days, I quickly think back to how much I went through with getting sick with botulism and how I'm so glad just to be alive and to be able to walk and talk and so many other simple things that are so often taken for granted by so many.

Despite all the really horrible things I've experienced in life sometimes I almost feel like the universe rewarded me for listening to my heart and not giving up and learning to forgive and love myself and others more as I'm now doing some really incredible things I never would have imagined that I look forward to talking about more in the future.

Even if I never get to experience some of the things I really wanted, on the flipside I got to experience some things I never knew I wanted that meant so much I'll never be able to fully put it to words.

Every day I hope I get another day, though if I don't... I am happy to know I got as many days as I did and so much else that went along with those days, the smiles and laughter and time spent with family and friends and so much more.

Very curious to see what the near future and the next few years hold if I make it that far... I look forward to much, yet am at a decent level of peace even if it never happens.

The picture included was from one of my adventures, nothing too amazing... Just a pretty sunset and I'm impressed at the quality of this pixel 2 phone even though it's less than 20 megapixels, it almost seems like it handles low light better than my Nikon d3500!

Anyways... I've said enough for now.
Peace and much love to you. :) <3