Police shoot homeless man in wheelchair in the face with non lethal round...?


Another disturbing/heart breaking example of police abuse... Ugh...

When I look at this I'm deeply saddened for the injured man in the wheel chair and... Also the police as welll, in the end the police are just as disposable as we are to the people in power.

They are given some perks and an illusion that if they uphold the social order that has been created that they will be spared and favored.

To some extent that is true, they are protected and enabled in ways the average person is not, especially when it comes to enforcement of so called "law".

Though, they are just as much a chess piece to the elite as any of us and they will be sacrificed just as quickly, flippantly and without remorse.

As much as law enforcers deserve the hate they get, I think we should try to remember that they are just as hopelessly enslaved as the rest of us and perhaps even more so since they cling so tightly to the corrupt hierarchy.

Instead of pure anger for these people, perhaps we should add in some compassion and love and try to understand that they are tortured souls doing atrocious work for the ones behind the "curtains" that I think should be the true focus which are roots of so many of the systemic problems in the world including police brutality.

It must be really difficult to be so brainwashed and under such a twisted illusion that you go around not just harming and exploiting innocent people, but sometimes even to the point of murdering them and laughing about it for a system and group of occult people who would do much worse than toss you under the bus in less than a single solitary second.

I have a lot of different emotions or feelings for police, one of them is pity. As unbecoming as that might be, I can't help it... I think it's sad that they buy into this whole illusion and hurt and kill so many innocent people for a system that is just extremely corrupt and predatory in immoral and dishonorable ways.

I don't think the police are the enemy, I don't even really think the government is the enemy, the occult should be addressed, however... More than anything I think all these things should just be made to be "obsolete". No need to war or fight, just keep working on a better system that voluntarily attracts others as opposed to one which forcetully and violently tries to own and control them.

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