An almost heart shaped rock and some brief thoughts.

I've been trying to change how I speak because I learned to feel like what we say to an extent programs ourselves and sometimes others as well. I've also done a pretty good job of not cursing anymore...

I've substituted some of the main curse words I used to use for non offensive alternatives like... Instead of saying "fuck" I'll say "flip" for example or instead of "shit" I'll say "shoot", instead of "damn" I'll say "darn".

Or at least I'll try... I'm not perfect and some of these things became deeply rooted in me over the years and are difficult to stop.

I see it in others all the time now too, people who are sort of just "slaves" to responding in certain ways which are often very negative or "draining".

Unfortunately they haven't discovered that such kinds of language are often detrimental and that speaking in violent ways can cause others to become defensive and less open to discussion or can also sort of diminish their own spiritual energy.

Another thing I've been trying to do is to not say that I "don't care" or that I "don't give a fuck", because I do... I do care.

I think myself and others can learn to in some ways see caring as a weakness if they care too much or for certain reasons, etc.

I also feel like when you say stuff like "I don't care" and "I don't give a fuck" that to some extent that is programming you... And I mean, just think about those words without further context being repeated a lot over many years or the course of someone's whole life.

If our brain is kind of like a computer or if our words are kind of like spells being cast, then... Saying "I don't care" and "I don't give a fuck" a lot might make you care less in other ways.
So, instead... When I catch myself saying those things or things like that I will stop myself and instead say... "No, I do care... I just won't let it bother me like it used to."

Or... I'll just say that I won't let it bother me at all... It's not that I don't care, I just don't want to be bothered by such and I do think we can care without being bothered.

This depends though because some things I think we should be bothered by and are a direct result of us caring, for example when really messed up things happen like children and innocent people are being slaughtered in wars or animals are being abused or the environment is being severely polluted or destroyed or many other serious things.

I think sometimes it is good to be bothered... It's just important to make distinctions here and to not sort of use simple but costly "broad brush language" when it can be avoided without expending too much energy or time.

Though, when it comes to things like if someone insulted you or if you're worried about being negatively judged for how you look or whatever, sometimes it's better to just not be bothered by that kind of stuff even if you do still care.

I think once again that if our brains are kinda like computers or if we are sort of casting spells with our words that the more accurate we are with what we are saying the more powerful/effective that will be. 🧙

I'm glad I decided to explore this subject and experiment with some of these things, non violent communication has been one of the most important things I've ever learned and I'm at so much more peace these days! :)

Anyways... Just felt like saying that. Peace and seeya later. <3


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