CONTEST: Write the Scene! - Week 2

Alright Steemit-guys and Steemit-gals, the first week of Write the Scene is officially over! The competition was very small, but I'm okay with that. I'm doing this contest because I enjoy it and both entries were great. Let's get to the results of week 1 first and then I will provide the rules and prompt for week 2.

Week 1 Results

A man is crying on a park bench with an opened letter folded on his lap. A woman takes a seat next to him.

Runner-Up (2 Steem)
@awellrunlife with his story It wasn't what he expected.... A short story with an impactful ending. Good work!

Week 1 Winner (3 Steem)
@healthycell with his story Mark's Park Bench. This was a heart-warming story with a lot of depth. Great job!

I will send the Steem as soon I finish posting this. I encourage both of you to keep submitting in the future!

Week 2


Every week, I will upload a post with a very simple and short prompt. At the end of the competition, I will award 5 STEEM to the participant pool. 3 STEEM will be awarded for the submission I consider to be the best, and the other 2 I will distribute to other entries however I want.

To enter the competition, you will need to write a scene for the prompt provided and create a post. In the post, do both of the following:
(1) Add a sentence about this competition and link this post in it.
(2) Add the tag writethesceneweek(number) (For this week you would add the tag writethesceneweek2)

I also encourage people who enter to read and comment on the other entries. I will take this into account in the future.

The Week 2 competition will end on August 27th, 2018


Write an opening scene involving two people on a first date. There are two objects of the scene. The first is to have the reader fall in love with the main character. The second is to leave the reader dying to know more about the other character.

Are the prompts too cheesy, boring, open-ended, or closed? Suggestions are always welcome! Please write any you might have in the comments below.
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