The key read until you really understand, seep into your subconscious mind, and you start acting on the basis of the book or ebook you read

Many people who succeed after reading a book dozens of times. There are people who are now rich in reading Think and Grow Rich books over and over again tens of times. Repetition will add to the understanding. Repetition will increase your capability. And, with the repetition of more material you can absorb in your subconscious mind. Repetition will make you act.

So do not decide that a book or ebook is not useful to you if only once you read. It may have to be many times, maybe up to tens of times until you take action and really understand the contents of your book or ebook. Of course it repeats depending on how well you capture what you read. It could be enough once if you read it with great concentration and immediately take notes to write a list of actions. Can be. The key read until you really understand, seep into your subconscious mind, and you start acting on the basis of the book or ebook you read.

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