WPP Energy - Save money and energy

As I've already written in the previous articles, we live in the age of globalization, fuelled by the access to information, technological development, liberalization of trade, integration processes, and market economy. Obviously, it can be assumed that the whole world is a giant market economy, which consists of the three or more sectors. But guess, what is the thing all these sectors are unified by? The answer is not money or goods, but energy. All of these sectors require a huge input in the form of energy to run them, especially the first three, but the ways this energy is provided are far from the ideal ones, so the ecological situation in the world is only deteriorating.

For example, the graph depicting the number of deaths from air pollution in 2013 is ecnlosed herewith. While the number of produced goods increase, so does the number of death from ecological disasters. Think about it.

Anyway, despite rather pessimistic forecasts in the sphere of ecology today I'm going to introduce you project with more than 30-years long history. Today we are talking about the WPP Energy project, headed by Rafael Ben.

The idea of the WPP Energy project

Rafael in the beginning of the 1970-s was really worried about the rising fuels in his native country (USA) and in the whole world, so he started a research to elaborate the way to use clean fuel in order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, concetrating on the technology for biomass and gasification. In 2009 he established World Power Production Energy Corporation to smartly convert waste into power, promoting the idea of "green energy". His company succeeded and nowadays it has both reputation and a solid fund to promote the idea of "green energy" globally.

How does it work?

Generally speaking, it works on the basis of two digital platforms.

The first one is Global Green Energy platform, which is to save data from producers of Green Energy all around the world and about surplus of green energy production, and, as mentioned by Rafael Ben himself, it will reduce the cost of green energy for individuals.

The second platform is WPP Exchange Platform which is to "gather" in one place both Energy and Cryptocurrencies on its basis. The authors of the project suppose it will help to promote the idea of green energy better, allowing to trade both with energy and traditional cryptocurrencies at the same time.

The project does it's best to make plants that operate on coal, oil and gas more eco-friendly, by decreasing costs and increasing efficiency. There is also no denying, renewable sources of energy will take a leading place with the introduction of breakthrough technologies, especially in places of a high energy crises (some African and Asian countries). For instance, one of these technologies the WPP Energy company provides is WPP Energy Mobile Power Station. This station produces ~2MW/h and only water is necessary to generate electricity, so the user may become completely autonomous from local energy companies.


In my humble opinion, this project has brilliant perspectives, since it has professional team, a history of success and a stable fund ($9.5 b). However, there is a worrying disclaimer in an official White Paper, that says "there can be no assurance that WPP Energy will ever bring the development of the Waste to Energy facilities into operation", "there can be no assurance that any project under development will ever successfully be financed" etc. It seems to be curious remarks, but, anyway, let's believe this WPP Energy project will do its best and the world will become a better place.

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Authored By: x0r2

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