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Huge attention, Downvotes & my Quest to Save the World

Good Day fellow Steemians.

Three days ago i wrote a post to introduce myself on Steemit (if you've not seen it i would be gratful if you would take a look) and i was very pleased to see it got a lot of attention (102 upvotes, 64 comments, 8 resteems plus 21 new followers, so far).

I think the most Likes i've ever got for a post on FB is around 30 (possibly more)!

I note that after sharing the aforementioned post on FB, i have only received 7 likes and 5 comments to date. Now this is with 2,900 FB friends, as opposed to on Steemit where i had at the time of posting just 21 followers.

I was curious to see two downvotes on the Steemit post, and on looking closer these are both from accounts (@gylmo and @treskiev) which have no pictures, no descriptions and the only activities being downvotes. Who are they and why are they doing this i wonder? Please comment below if you can shed some insight on this.

Having only joined Steemit less than two weeks ago, i am finding it incredibly rewarding, finding so many exceptional articles which are helping me learn about Blockcains, Cryptocurreny and helping me in my Quest to Revolutionise the World. Now, i realise that i am just playing a game here, in this game of life on the (apparent) planet earth,and that everything is actually perfect even though it does not appear to be, but i am having fun doing so.

What is this Quest to Save the World all about?
Well, in very brief summary, it is a quest to help create revolutionary systems which can unite humanity in a fair and truly democratic way, enabling us to self-govern, share resources, provide all beings with free necessities (shelter, food, clothing, education, healthcare etc), safety (with no more wars), able to travel this planet freely (no borders) and so much more. Now you may think it will never happen, that this is a pipedream, a pie in the sky idea and that i am childish to even think it is possible (and some people tell me this and even get angry with me).

Well, to quote @matrix-8 (who is creating a key system of Multi-Level Governance) to be built on the Steem Blockchain: (Bolding by me)

"Think to yourself - It's an interesting concept; there's no money out of pocket. And the payoff socially, and personally, could be astronomical!"
Don't you think that the logical thing to do is to help it along? And with the Peace you mentioned waiting at the other end of the rainbow – why not be optimistic, and at least stick around to see if any of us can actually make the jump?
I'm hoping that it is important enough for you to at least study it a little bit deeper. Then later, what if you and I and Peter can convince Sally, Bill, and Joe it's worth looking at? Because obviously, if just a few thousand people get on board and push a workable platform out onto the Internet – the novelty of being able to answer a Trump Tweet would generate a lot of cash for the folks who got there first. (As you can see, I've twisted this discussion around so we can even include the greedy.)
And then once we've got the Matrix-8 Platform up and running, and it starts to gain momentum, we can come back in strength and find out just who the hell keeps turning up the heat on us poor frogs – and then DO something about it!

Well, i think i know to some extent who it is turning the heat up on us, and to a much larger extent so does my good friend @jaakwassmuth who frequently gets banned from FB for telling everyone (and sourcing the evidence) all about it.

So, lets get on and do something about it. Let's put some energy into this and support those who are already creating what we need. They need out help too!

Please Join me in this quest to make the world a better place.
Comment below and I will offer some next steps showing how to get involved. And/or follow me and watch my posts. It will work better if you get in on the ground floor before it takes off (not that anyone will be left behind).

Peace and Love

#POSH, #oc, #naturalmedicine, #ecotrain