World's 5 Greatest Challenges!!!

Global Warming

One of the greatest challenges of this century is global warming. It is the phenomena of average temperatures of the world rising at a rapid pace. Global warming, often thought of as a propaganda by many countries, is in reality a fact. The challenge here is to reduce the use of petroleum, diminish fires and perfumes, because these are the main factors that contribute to the rise of temperatures. Tell you what, the temperatures recorded throughout the world these days are the highest ever seen. Due to rise in temperatures and weather's hotness, glaciers are melting down and causing floods and many awful natural disasters to take place. It is said that earthquakes are another natural disaster caused by rising global warming.

Nuclear Weapons

Although there are a few countries in the world with nuclear weapons. Out of 200+ countries, Pakistan, USA, China, India, North Korea and a few other countries. However since these are some of the biggest countries, their conflicts may turn out to be a really bad news for rest of the world. Fact is Pakistan and India have unresolved conflicts going on for decades and have already had 3 wars in past. And we all know the destruction that nuclear weapons can incur though the devastation of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Probably the best lesson of World War II is to be never use atomic bombs. Because they are capable of taking things too ahead. This is the challenge for this generation to keep the use of nuclear weapons minimized to NULL.

Water shortage

Water shortage is one of the worst situations in many countries of the world. Countries which do not have contact with open ocean tend to be victim to this. Not that the world is running out of water, rather victim countries do not have steady canals/rivers. So these parts of the world suffer. While this is not a big deal, because the world still has water. In fact, there is plenty of water. But what if the world runs out of water and whatever is left, countries start fighting over it? That's a man-sized if sure, but this will happen. Probably not this century but next, but know that this will happen.


Another reason for the rising levels of global warming is the constant cutting down of trees and forests. For what? For building wooden houses and to use the wood as a source of fuel. It's pity that in a world as advanced as this where cars run on electricity, people still don't have access to electricity. So these victim people need wood, but more than them some evil corporations cut down forests to build their companies over empty land. That's sad. But that's a fact. In this case, world's challenge is to reduce deforestation and plant as many more trees as possible to compensate for already-done damage.

Over population

Did you know that just over 100 years ago, Earth's population was under 2 billion? As of this writing, the world's population is more than 7 billion and growing at an exponential rate. Not that, the world is running out of space to make place for population, but this will be a problem sooner than later. The world sure is big, but it's finite space. Unlike number of people born, which is a ever growing statistic.

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