With Unity, we can achieve almost anything


I have seen many people say that somethings cannot be achieved but i believe so much in the power of unity and i believe with unity, we can achieve almost anything including world peace, ending starvation and poverty, love amongst races and cultures just to name a few.

We stand to lose a lot if unity is missing and like the books of books says:

A house divided in itself cannot stand

The world will not be able to see change no matter what efforts we put in unless we can all unite and stand as one to address the issue. That is the power of unity. United we stand and divided we fall for sure.

That is why we at GLOW Com are igniting youths around Africa and the World at large to stand up as one and address problems in our society and what better way can we identify these oroblems if not by taking a proper look at your community. Look around you and you will see for sure that there are people that really need your help and support..

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