What the World truly needs

The World is already immersed in so much bloodshed, wars, violence and other so many crimes and acts that are distabilizing our World, ruining peace and people's lives. What we need is peace amd love amongst all and not more works or lies from politicians who prom the people so many things but end up keeping not even one of their promises.

We need a new breed of leaders that can put the people first and the welfare of the people first. This breed of leaders are made up of people you and I who have felt the suffering of others and desperately want to make a difference in anyway we can. We need a new generation of young people who are filled with the zeal to see a difference. A new generation of young leaders who can challenge the status quo.

This is the time for us to stand up against every form of maltreatment and stand for change. There are voices out there that need to be heard and you and I can make that happen. This ia not by our words only but by actions. We must start showing the people up there what they need to be doing. That move starts with you treating the person right next you to you in the right way.

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