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When is the end of the human workforce?

When is the end of the human workforce?

We've all noticed the changes right? If you haven't then you've had your head buried in the sand for too long! Things are changing very rapidly now, the technological breakthroughs we are making were considered science fiction only 10 - 20 years ago.


I don't want to talk about the last decade or 2 now though, I want to talk about what's happening right now and into the next decade or 2. Right now there is a new industrial revolution taking place it's being called the 4th Industrial Revolution. You can read more about it on a link to this Wikipedia article

What does this mean for us mere humans? Will this affect your or my job?

The chances are highly likely your job and mine along with 720 million others will be affected in the next 10 years alone. Personally and you can Google that number but I think it's likely to be much higher! ! The following decade could see more than 74% of current jobs gone! This is not the next generations problem - it's everyone's! One thing that is definitely likely to happen is a universal basic income for the poorer percentage of the population.
Right now a UBI is being tested in various countries and cities around the world.

Who is this likely to affect? Will it affect your or me?

I think it will definitely affect us all to be honest as 720 million is roughly 10% of the total human population.

This is my first steemit post and I have a million things to do so I will just leave you with a link to another post I've written on this subject: Automation Is Killing Our Jobs! | What To Do?

If your already on steemit then you may or may not be aware of what's happening, since most on here I would believe are here to create an online income and share content. If your reading this and not trying to create an online income and prepare for the rocky future ahead then you really need to do some research and start planning!

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