Can't Stand Your BOSS?

It seems like every boss I have ever had has exerted this authoritarian rule over my life. Why is it that some humans think they are better then others? This is life I suppose. One boss I am dealing with seems to like to scream and belittle me when she thinks I do something wrong. This has happened a few times, and its really getting old. She plays a nice roll in front of others but then exerts this "you will do this" mentality all the time. It seems like everytime I turn around she is there. Getting tired. I am really considering taking my own advise and quiting my job. Life really is to short to be living under an oppression. Looking to take the "leap of faith" soon. I just hope I have the courage to follow through.

Living overseas doesn't help matters either. Raising 3 children in a culture that is not their own, learning a new language, customs, etc. I sure would like to be living back in the States. I think what is really going on is that the stress load is just to great for me here. A boss that hovers over me sure doesn't help matters.

What are your thoughts? Does anyone have a Boss that they just are having problems with? Good Luck and Hang in their STEEMIANS. Cheers.

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