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Women in Science Series Contest 1: Hipatia de Alejandría.

All of us know "Science" with the definition of the set of knowledge that describes, defines and when possible, explains the universe, the matter that constitutes it, the organisms that inhabit it, the physical laws that govern it. This knowledge is accumulated by an arduous process of experimentation and discovery that has been an integral part of human activity. The history of THE science, being this a feminine word, is considered as a history of men without taking into consideration that women have always played an essential role in this surprising process.

Science is conceived as the story of a few men (Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein), men who drastically changed our conception of the universe, but if the history of science is much more than that, it is the story of endless of people who contributed to the knowledge and the theories that constituted the science of their time. Many of these people, despite the skepticism, were WOMEN and yet their history remains virtually unknown. It is known that scientific work needs intelligence, creativity and instruction and decision, on the other hand the position of the woman of science in society was fundamentally different from that of the man of science, as well as a large part of her scientific work by the exclusion that the man maintained regarding the work and dedication of the woman, but the women overcame the obstacles that the society imposed to them to be able to be scientific, frequently at the expense of their personal life, they had their own priorities and nevertheless, they contributed substantially to science, that is why it is important to consider not only those women who made documented contributions to science, but also those who devoted themselves to cultivating scientific interests that reflect the historical reality of women's sustained interest in science and their aptitude for she. For such and very obvious reasons I want to share a little about what was the life and discoveries of HIPATIA ALEJANDRIA.

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Who was Hipatia?

Hipatia was a beautiful and admirable woman who was born in Alejandria, capital of the Roman Diocese of Egypt in the year 370 AD. His father, Theon of Alejandria, philosopher and mathematician was dedicated to research and teaching at the Museum of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy. This great woman lived from her childhood in an academic and cultured environment, she learned mathematics and astronomy from her father, who also transmitted her passion for the search of the unknown. According to records of the time, Theon wished that his daughter was a perfect human being (although at that time it used to be considered that women were less than human) and only wanted Hipatia to receive a very complete scientific education, that's why she looked for educate her. He sent her to Italy and Athens to receive courses in philosophy where he impressed all those who knew her because of her great intelligence and beauty. Hipatia never married because she was so passionate about research that she devoted all her time to science.

Alexandria Museum. Image source

Returning to Alejandria, due to the example and teachings received by her father and as a woman dedicated to thought and teaching, she devoted herself to transmitting her knowledge for 20 years in the same museum where she was raised and educated, and to whom she directed during the year 400. He also educated a select school of aristocrats who came to occupy high positions. The house of Hipatia became a place of teaching where students from all over the known world attended, attracted by his fame, in which he dedicated himself to the teaching of mathematics and philosophy. Even though the museum had lost its pre-eminence, and Alejandria had different schools for pagans, Jews and Christians. Hipatia taught members of all religions. According to the Byzantine Suidas encyclopedist, she was officially named to explain the doctrines of Plato, Aristotle, among others.

His books and masterpieces...

He wrote geometry books (a treatise on the geometry of Apollonius conics in 8 books), algebra and astronomy (most of these books were textbooks for students). In addition to mapping celestial bodies, making a planisphere, he was also interested in mechanics and practical technology.

One of the most important works of Hipatia was in Algebra, in which he wrote a commentary on the arithmetic of Diophantus (the so-called father of algebra) in 13 books. I also work with quadratic equations. Hipatia's comments also included some alternative solutions and new problems, which were then incorporated into the Diofanto manuscripts. Hipatia is also the author of at least one of the books of Telón's work on Ptolemy. He had systematized all contemporary knowledge about mathematics and astronomy in a text of 13 books which he called "mathematical treatise" and which medieval Arab scholars gave him the name of Almagest (the great book).

Although none of her works have been preserved, they are known thanks to the letters written by her to her pupil "Sinesio de Cirene" where she describes the design of several scientific instruments, such as the improvement made to the astrolabe to which she optimized the use in astronomy spherical, then we ask ourselves: why did they want an astrolabe at that time?. it was use to measure the position of the stars, the sun and the planets with astrological purposes since it served them to predict the future. Another of the instruments developed by this great woman was an apparatus to distill water, another to measure the water level and a graduated brass hydrometer used to measure the specific gravity (density) of a liquid as, for example, in relation to my field of work that is the drilling of oil wells, this hydrometer serves to know the specific gravity or density (°API) with which oil (oil) comes from the oil fields.

Astrolabe. Image source

Brass Hydrometer Image source

The defense and loyalty to his ideals as the cause of his death...

Hipatia engaged in the politics of Alejandria, so that Orestes (Roman prefect of Egypt) was left to advise for her in political affairs. One of her students hesiquio wrote that she was worshiped and revered in Alejandria: "Dressed in the mantle of philosophers, making her way through the middle of the city, she publicly explained the writings of Plato, or Aristotle, or any philosopher, to all They wanted to listen, and Hipatia was popular as a counselor of the highest magistracies of Alejandria in relation to the affairs of her city.

her as a pagan, a supporter of Greek scientific rationalism and an influential political figure, she found herself in a dangerous situation in a city that was becoming increasingly Christian. His fidelity to paganism at the time of the rise of Christianity as a new state religion and not to betray his ideals, was the cause of his death at the hands of exalted Christians. His murder took place within the framework of Christian hostility towards declining paganism, when he was barely 45 years old.

The death of Hipatia in March of 415 caused a stir. The murder of this brilliant woman was an opprobrious crime for Christians.

Already to conclude the story of this great woman we can say that:

• In the 4th century, a small scientific renaissance was illuminated in Alexandria by the most famous of all the women of science up to Marie Curie.

• For fifteen centuries it was thought that Hypatia was the only woman of science in history. Today she is often the only woman mentioned in the stories of mathematics and astronomy.

• Hypatia is the first woman of science whose life is well documented. Although most of his writings have been lost there are numero.

• This great woman was the last pagan scientist of the ancient world and her death coincided with the last years of the Roman Empire. As there were no significant advances in mathematics, astronomy or physics anywhere in the Western world during the following thousand years it is said that Hipatia has come to symbolize the end of ancient science.

online book "The Legacy of Hypatia" written by Margaret Alic.

I hope my research on this great woman will serve them well for knowledge of history and staff, see you in a next opportunity, greetings and blessings for all...