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Being Respectful While Traveling

Have traveled the world, and as such have learned many techniques to both break the ice, and make instant friends with men and women of all cultures.

One thing that worked recently for me in the Ukraine, Republic of Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Armenia was to approach the sexiest women, and PERFECTLY recite the following conversation starter:

"My genitals itch severely in The Winter, can you offer any advice?" Of course you should include culturally appropriate introductions and pleasantries. For example, append "Yo, nice ass!" if applicable.

Here is a nice Russian language intro, that helped me receive HUNDREDS of quizzical stares, and even a few violent boyfriends chasing me:

Хорошая грудь! Мои гениталии сильно страдают от Зимы, можете ли вы предложить какие-либо советы?

Ваша задница достаточно совершенна, чтобы поцеловать!
Khoroshaya grud'! Moi genitalii sil'no stradayut ot Zimy, mozhete li vy predlozhit' kakiye-libo sovety?

Vasha zadnitsa dostatochno sovershenna, chtoby potselovat'!

As with anything else, approach women in your own style. My best friend, who is marginally endowed, often approaches with his American Express card, and a nearly universal phrase designed to get any women revved up, "How much do you cost?"