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White is White - Anything Goes Photo Challenge - Casapueblo

For the White Is White - Anything Goes - Photography Challenge I have chosen the beautiful building of Casapueblo. Thanks Diane @dmcamera #wiwcontest for the contest.

Casapueblo was constructed by the Uruguayan artist Carlos Páez Vilaró and is located in Punta Ballena, about 13 kilometres from Punta del Este, Uruguay.
It was originally a summer house and workshop for the artist but now it includes a museum, an art gallery, a cafeteria and a hotel.
Carlos Páez Vilaró designed it with a style similar to the houses of the Mediterranean coast of Santorini, but the artist fondly used to refer to it as a Hornero's nest, *** (a typical bird of Uruguay) because of its dome shape.
![2.jpg] ()

It took 36 years to complete. It was constructed without plans and one of most interesting characteristics is that it has no straight lines. It is a labyrinth of rooms and passages. It is built of whitewashed cement and stucco.3.jpg
Photos by @michelle.raymond

Be sure to read Diane's posts, and follow directions.
It helps ALL of us, when we help each other!

Check Out this week's White Is White Challenge
• Monday: White Photographed Against White
• Tuesday: Animals
• Wednesday: Flowers
• Thursday: Food And Drink
• Friday: Architecture
• Saturday: Water In Nature
• Sunday: Anything Goes


*** (To find out more about the hornero bird nest building, I found this great video on youtube : )