2 year witness anniversary post

witness update log 24.png

This will be a shorter log as I'm settling down from this and catching up on everything happening so far over here.

It has been 2 years since I produced my first block on Hive, which contained 30 transactions. While it isn't technically a Hive block and my actual first Hive block is #41,841,314, it is still part of the same block_log file so it probably still counts. Since then, I have signed a total of 1,756 blocks so far as of writing this and posted 24 witness update logs including this one.

All of these are only made possible thanks to all your support over the last few years, shoutout to 217 of you who voted. Thank you very much!

Made the GIF from here

techcoderx.com hardware updates

Added an MX500 2TB SATA SSD to store all hived data as the blockchain has been growing fast lately. Definitely as good as NVMe drives but it should scale well in the future as I can add additional drives and create a RAID 0 array without scrambling with available PCIe slots which are limited on the B350 micro-ATX motherboard.


The drive is already 63% full now, but at the same time the main 2TB NVMe SSD is now freed up with only 38% being used. That means plenty of space for Hivemind database to grow.

Going forward

Now that I have the new M1 Pro MBP that I unboxed in my last video here and have been enjoying using it, do expect a lot more to roll out in the next few weeks from me. Listing out some of them here:

  • Finish off the dhive PR. Thanks @tngflx for reminding me after I forgot about the whole thing as I only got write access to the Gitlab long after creating Hivecrypt.
  • OneLoveIPFS v3, focused on cross-platform support. 3Speak cross-posting within a single Hive post will be a big highlight.
  • Finish off the remaining 20% of Alive Protocol then begin platform integration. The core protocol is fully completed, everything else is the UI. I have registered aliveprotocol.eth just in case.

Witness performance

Doing surprisingly well here lately despite having no big news from me yet :)

Current rank: 88th (active rank 77th)
Votes: 5,433 MVests
Voter count: 217

Producer rewards (7 days): 30.985 HP
Producer rewards (30 days): 131.378 HP
Missed blocks: 9

Server resource statistics

This section will be present in every witness update logs (if any of my nodes are online) to provide new witnesses up-to-date information about the system requirements for running a Hive node.

hived (v1.25, all plugins)

block_log file size: 454 GB
shared_memory.bin file size: 20 GB
account-history-rocksdb-storage folder size: 592 GB
blockchain folder size: 1,067 GB
RAM usage: 8.6 GB

hivemind (v1.25.0rc0, efd47abf)

There are several new releases after this, but won't be upgrading it anytime soon as it takes ~10 days for it to sync everything until we get a tagged HAF release (and a complete user documentation for setting this up) which hopefully simplifies running Hive API nodes and speeds up Hivemind sync.

Output of SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size('hive') );
Database size: 571 GB

RAM usage: ∞?

Hive witness footer 2.png

3 columns
2 columns
1 column