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Witness vote request

Hey all, I'm aggroed. I'm a witness, and I'm in the top 20. I have a lot going on in that I run splinterlands and hive-engine. I build a lot of apps and tools. I'm one of the team members behind hive keychain. I helped create where over 1000 artists sell their art NFTs and they have made 400k Hive in that process. hive Engine supports games like dcity and tribes like leofinance. I think it's a pretty important piece of the Hive ecosystem.

I use my witness rewards to add liquidity to Hive-Engine and pay for development on hive-engine. Hive engine does not make a profit. I'm spending more on devs than it makes on fees and that comes out of personal funds.

I've put a few hundred thousand Hive into there for you guys to be able to trade while we're still updating the Decentralized Token Funds so that we can get BEE rewards to liquidity pool stakers. It's coming. It's in the works, but it's taking some time. But that development costs money!

I would like to do proposals to help fund that development and fund more liquidity, but the whales don't universally support my efforts here. Many seem to think I'm just a money grubbing asshat. The asshat part may be true, but I think the money grubbing thing is wrong.

Splinterlands makes money, but it's not like it's a cash bonanza for us personally. We hire devs, we run a business, we have brought over 110k registered users to get to know Hive. that said it doesn't translate automatically into cash on hand for me personally. So, while your first instinct may be "well fuck that guy he has plenty of money" I actually spend the money as fast as I get it and more helping to make hive cooler.

If you like that please vote for my witness. The Hive that I get from that will continue to fund Hive Development and liquidity pools.

I guess I'll try again on some proposals. Maybe back fund some of the opensource development work we've done like make opensource NFT contracts. We'll see. I suspect I won't get support. You'll notice a few mega whales on the platform choose not to vote for me or work that I do here. it makes it tough to get platform funds to help build platform wide tools that have a massive impact on the success of Hive and it's token price.

Anyway, if you have a spare vote please consider putting on my witness and let's make Hive moon.