Let's Merge The Snapshot Of Your Blockchain As It Was Before Steemit & Merge It With The Steem Blockchain. Join In!!!

Hahaha long time no post! I am here now. I am glad i am! Life's is not easy but we push it. 

Can No + No + No eventually = one Yes

The answer is; "Yes!"

This is not Mathematics; the answer is a big fat YES, to find out:

Keep on knocking!

And if your knuckles tire out and repent; pick a stone!

So i keep on knocking!

Hahaha, my days are tough. I do tire out, but when i stop knocking, it is because i chose to!

I looked for the key/hammer/screwdriver instead


I am still very much active on steemit, even when i am not posting. I manage to do curation and comments and ofcourse, i do the DMs, among other technical things etc; same as everyone does!

This is to say: Value can be created upon steemit.com, even when you are offline. 

So no need to feel discourage when you look at the seeming magnitude of what others do. DO YOU!

No need for comparisons as there is no real measure of this value. No one does more than the other!

I do carry my steemit cards around...

Whether it accomplishes awareness to steemit or instant actual sign-ups, i give them out.  

I did embassy today and even the ambassador heard of steemit. I doubt my interview went well! I was told not to proceed and safe money instead but i told them i would proceed. 

This brought before a thirty minute interview!

I didn't want to bring steemit up but how do i avoid this, when i don't do 5 minutes of rest a day and steemit's involved. 

This is my second embassy encounter, when i had ended up bringing steemit up. Now, the first embassy experience didn't work well because in reality, its hard to explain steemit in 3 minutes, without bitcoin entering the picture and even the world misunderstands bitcoin. What am i saying:

Its all good!

When i talk steemit, i am Doing Me

Basically, i was deeply-rootedly surpassing google before i found steemit and the steem blockchain and this must go on!

So don't be discouraged or measure your efforts by what others do, for we have varying paths. This is general life talk!

Speaking of life: "there was life before steemit!"

The above is one essential tip i give people each time, when we are in the chats discussing steemit. 

What was YOU, in the "life before steemit"?

You were a ton of things

So why come on steemit, lose a ton, to become only one or two things. Bring the YOU that existed before steemit upon steemit, then influence and inflict the steem blockchain with your own beauty etc

Why This Topic?

I didn't have plans of posting today but i did have several chats today. Basically, we all need fire fire fire. Several chats came in today, speaking of the need for inspiration. One steemian in particular needed help with inspiring 34 steemians in his small whatsapp community who are appearing to tire out.

Then, i thought of #untalented "Who You Are" as well and little did i know that more entries where coming in! It never really ended. 

Looking at some of these new entries just a few hours ago, one thing was re-made obvious in your mind:

People had this "piece of them", that they still never got to shine through with, here on steemit, because many got on here; got overwhelmed by many things e.g the need to earn, blogging, even competition and they lost themselves. 

For instance, look at this comment hours ago, from @taimoorahmad as he reminisces on his entry to #untalented "Who You Are":

Well literally thanks to you. Because of you I literally found my self as an artist. 

Reminds me of when i started out with #steemgigs, to direct people back into the aspects of them that existed before steemit e.g visions, aspirations, dreams etc

See a comment made few hours ago by @drpuffnstuff:

 Steemgigs was the first place on here that I felt at home 

So yes; according to me, the solution to most challenges or ways to success, even here on steemit, may be in the first obvious simplest action!


The entire solution may be in the tiny word "sorry"; however, we skip "sorry"; go Mars; apprentice under a word-salad alien to return light years later, with word-salad, to hand it over to someone who already got tired of longing for a "sorry" and who has long forgiven you!

Using hammer to squash a bug

You want to stop aging? Did you ever even attempt the first obvious simplest solution or did you jump to the nth solution first;

 "Look for a giant clock; halt the minute hand; stay the course and if you have held the minute-hand in place forever, you will have lived forever".

YOU WANT MILLIONS? Did you even dare to attempt going to the nearest bank manager, to sit him down and politely ask him to give millions?

You want to know what is in puppy's mind? Did you even attempt simply asking puppy, what's on its mind? Or was your first course of action "a 4 year course in dog mindology" (perhaps the nth solution)

Hahaha, if it is steemit success that you want; then, how about the first obvious simplest solution; "YOU!"

 Steemit success has a whole lot to do with that "YOU", that has existed and existed, long before you found steemit. 

Where is that person?

Let's simply find out!

Underneath this post, relate a summary of what you were doing, just before you found steemit; your aspirations, goals, wishes, dreams, likes, dislikes etc; and i will tell you how to bring that upon steemit, play it out before a community of reputable great minds and rehearse this awesomeness and beauty into fruition, using just your steemit post.

It is more fun, getting rewarded for what you already are!


If you are a passionate footballer and you are on a team; there is special hurt that you will feel, if you are always on the bench, even if your team pays you in millions. 

Your body will itch you first, then will start to bite you as your bench-longevity becomes a thing.

Now, if you were paid "millions" for playing that ball, that you normally would love to foot (all day long) even for free; nothing like it! 


It all lies there! Let's go all the way back to that clip; a snapshot of your blockchain, just before you found the steem blockchain, then let's merge both blockchains and 'DO YOU' in more dimensional ways!

This is not Maths!

Your Boy Terry


My community effort is part of what i do as a steemit witness, thus, the use of the hashtag (witness category).

If you would want to vote for my witness, click here, then type in"steemgigs" in the first search box! You don't need voting power to vote for a witness!  


Consider choosing @surpassinggoogle as your proxy, to help you with choosing your witness votes. To do this, visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses then type in "surpassinggoogle" in the proxy search box as seen below! 

  Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK  

Everyone has something to offer!

on the sea shores of the Spain seas by @sunnylife who loves!

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