The many flavors of Witnesses: crypto-anarchist, entrepreneur, developer, community advocate


Witnesses are working tirelessly to keep the Steemit community flourishing and are campaigning for votes in their own unique ways. As democratically elected officiants of the blockchain, the witnesses have the ability to mold and evolve the blockchain to continue to succeed within the cryptocurrency world. Throughout my various interviews I have been learning the subtle nuances of their personalities and talents, and have decided to write a fun blog about these archetypes. Although there are many unique characteristics they possess, I have found a few reoccurring personalities that I am going to highlight. These include: The crypto-anarchist, entrepreneur, developer, and community advocate.


These fine global citizens are fighting for the rights of the online community and believe in a world free of government tyranny and capitalist domination. The crypto-anarchist strives to keep cryptocurrency out of the hands of big banks and believes that traditional economic systems may fail in the near future. Privacy, freedom of information, and political freedom are at the forefront of their agenda. Some of the more common depictions of the crypto-anarchist include the Guy Fawkes mask that the Anonymous movement has popularized.
To be entirely accurate though, these freedom fighters come from all walks of life and are mostly interested in leveling the playing field. You can be sure that global economy and social interactions are changing as we speak, and these folks are behind some of the biggest information leaks in history.


We all know what an entrepreneur is, and investors are finally jumping on the cryptocurrency train. It is no secret that the top 19 witnesses have the opportunity to make a whole bunch of Steem for amassing a majority of votes for their nodes. Facebook revolutionized the social media world, and they believe that Steem has the potential to be it's own disruptive power and are positioning themselves to capitalize on this very event. Their entry into the Witness space most likely includes a sizeable personal investment into the community. We all believe in getting paid for our content and have a little entrepreneur inside of nearly every steemian.


The cryptocurrency landscape is dominated by successful developer communities and with an open source blockchain these individuals are the key to staying relevant. You may find these developers chatting on various servers about current GitHub issues and discussing possible future forks. They are truly the backbone of steem and are our only hope for changes in the user interface and rewards system. The original steem developers can only do so much, therefore it has become the responsibility of the community to take matters into their own hands and develop third party code that alters the UI to include their own intended upgrades to the blockchain. You can find much of their work in the steemit app center. There are tons of very useful tools that allow you to automate voting, check on upcoming rewards, chat outside of the blockchain, and delve into the darkest corners of data available on the blockchain.


This is an attribute that many of the Witnesses focus on because lets face it, without community support we are dead in the water. Community projects are what differentiates steemit from the rest of the social media on the internet. Many of these witnesses are focused on promoting steemit in various ways and post a myriad of quality content to ensure the future success of the platform. These folks are typically extremely active within the community and are not only creating, but curating others quality content which helps spread the wealth. Our advocates also keep the developers up to date with current problems within the blockchain so that they may integrate solutions to the problems that the community is encountering. They are our very own Cewebrities and are likely to be the face of steemit when the platform explodes.

This blog is not intended to stereotype in any way, but merely is a fun way for me to show the various characteristics I have encountered throughout my interviews with some of our witnesses. Thanks for reading and please vote for witnesses if you have not done so! It is up to everyone to delegate our votes to those who we believe are improving and maintaining the blockchain properly.

Images all sourced from pexels

Vote for witnesses by pointing your chosen interwebs browser to

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Minnow Support Project: Problem Statement, Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Plan to help you grom from Minnow to Whale with friends in record time

Image courtesy of @justcallmemyth

thanks to @kristyglas for the line breaks, find more here

If you are a witness and would like to be interviewed, you can find me in the PALnet discord chat or

Check out my entire library of Witness Awareness interviews to see some of these personalities in action

Interview with @reggaemuffin
Interview with @followbtcnews
Interview with @dragorsoua
Interview with @timcliff
Interview with @someguy123
Interview with @neoxian
Interviews with @aggroed, @theprophet0, and @ausbitbank

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