Witness Update : How I Plan on Using the Re-blogging Feature and other Miscellaneous Items

Hola, mi amigos y amigas (apologies for any and all mis-spellings, yo comprende nada Espanol)!

Re-blogging Content

We now have a new fork on our hands, and even some other nifty features that have appeared on the Steemit UI -- the most important of which is the re-blog feature.

At one point I know I had suggested a way of trying to tell my followers (without having to go through chatrooms and spamming links) that I will be voting on posts within X amount of hours -- and now here it is with re-blog!

Basically, I will be setting up a monitoring system on posts that I re-blog and then my monitoring bot will autovote on them within some amount of time -- something around 8 hours or before the first payout time ends. This allows all my followers to vote on content I will be voting on before I do, so that you can obtain rewards!

Unfortunately, I do not have this bot implemented yet, but I will soon and will, of course, open the source to the public. My guess is that it will end up being a fork of the current autovote bot (which I have long since stopped using).

For now, I plan on doing this manually (fortunately, whatever I re-blog appears on my blog home page). Basically, if I re-blog something in the evening, I will vote on it in the morning the following day -- until I have a fully automatic solution.

Other Projects

Project Curie

I have also been asked to help promote Project Curie in some ways which I plan on doing. I hope that we can work together with the descriptionsonthespot community (sorry, guys, I've been busy catching up with work after the wedding and such) to help promote some of those posts, as I know we have an active writing community and I think (or hope) some enjoy free word association.

Steemgrants, Steemwriters, and Steemscholarships

These are all underway. I have still commissioned the most basic light-weight client and am waiting on some updates from the developer that has been hired (early Steem community member).

The goal is for this to be as light-weight of an interface as possible to allow anyone to build on top of it.

Another Secret Project (hopefully for not long!)

Finally, there is another secret project in the works (maybe I've mentioned it to some of you). I hope that this can be rolled out soon, but it may take awhile, as development takes time. At the least, I am hoping a beta version will be ready so that you all can test it. Let's just say, it'd be nice to spend those steem dollars somewhere, right?


Thanks to the devs for all their hardwork and for all the witnesses who spend time doing code review!

Edit to remove incorrect info on voting re-target which has stayed the same.

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