The wise praise the wisdom from above: People learned what pleases you, and were saved by Wisdom. Wisdom 9:18

How important it is to beg God for wisdom, the Book of Wisdom tells us, there is nothing more important than asking God for this beautiful gift, and in this book, there is a part dedicated to a written prayer to obtain wisdom from God.
The sages of antiquity were not fools, and devoting a book to the study of this science and this gift, because wisdom participates in both science and intelligence, makes a very clear sense.
We live in a world where the easy, the immediate, and the superficial are sought to please the senses of the body. And the wisdom from above seems to have no place at all, what use is wisdom then?
This is how the prayer begins, praise be God for his wisdom, taught King Solomon:
"God of my ancestors, Lord of mercy,
you who have made all things by your word
And in your wisdom have established humankind
to rule the creatures produced by you,
And to govern the world in holiness and righteousness,
and to render judgment in integrity of heart.
Give me Wisdom, the consort at your throne,
and do not reject me from among your children" Wisdom 9:1-4.
The Bible, a book inspired by the word of God, teaches us throughout its development that the Law of Moses and justice are not enough to please God.
The story of the trial of Susanna in the book of Daniel (Daniel 13:1-64), and the trial of the two prostitutes in front of King Solomon (1 Kings 3:16-28), are a reminder that finding the truth requires the divine inspiration. The law of Moses, in practice, requires in order to be put into practice the common sense that provides the fear of God and its perfection, which is the gift of wisdom, that is why the wisdom books remind us: "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man", Ecclesiastes 12:13.
For that wisdom that comes from God and that is also intimately linked to the Law; is that men are saved and blessed, as taught by the Bible, without wisdom we can't know the spiritual realities:
"Or who can know your counsel, unless you give Wisdom
and send your holy spirit from on high?
Thus were the paths of those on earth made straight,
and people learned what pleases you,
and were saved by Wisdom" Wisdom 9:17-18.
The wise praise the wisdom from above. People learned what pleases you, and were saved by Wisdom. Wisdom 9,18.jpg
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