Do you know what is meant by win-win and win-lose?

Hi all,

I'm writing an important (to me :-) ) article entitled The Governed Blockchain which of course (?) tries to explain why the EOS way, also the Steemit and Bitshares way, is best. But I'm blocked.


My writer's block derives from a point in the text where I've kinda figured out that an unpermissioned blockchain encourages win-lose, which is a self-defeating exercise. Meanwhile, a permissioned blockchain attempts to encourage win-win, which is a noble cause, but ... the very act of permissioning is a self-defeating exercise to that cause :-(

Stuck, we are.

The explanation is all very well and logical and makes complete sense to me, but I know from deep, dark, bitter experience that the difference between win-win and win-lose is just ... opaque? voodoo? academic blather stuff, also known as BS? what salespersons and lawyers use in reverse? To my readers and other significant persons, this just makes them upset every time I bring it up. Unappreciated, we are.

So I'd like to try a little experiment. I want to ask TWO LITTLE QUESTIONS:

  1. Do you know what the difference is between win-win and win-lose?
    (This is a binary question - yes or no!)

  2. Tell me - describe it!
    But before you do that, check what others have written.
    If you reckon that someone else has got it right, it might be easier to just vote on them.

  3. Or, just tell me this is nonsense, blather stuff (BS), and other woftams :-P

I lied about the number. Forgive me, but do you see where I am going here? It's entirely selfish. Maybe - just maybe - someone will provide me with the magic explanation to unlock the mystery of win-win versus win-lose!? Where science has failed, will community win out?


Or, it's a lost cause and I should just go back and hide in the library with all the other pontificators and flat-earthers.

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