Home Mining With WinMiner, First Withdrawal

It has been almost 19 days since I started a hobby home mining experiment with WinMiner on my home desktop machine. You can see from the following graph how successful the miner was.

The balance of $22.10 also means that I have reached the withdrawal limit to withdraw to Ethereum address.

Let's Test The Withdrawal

I entered the full balance in $ and the ETH field was automatically filled with the equivalent.

Clicking the green Withdraw button ...

Two fees are displayed, confirmation with password and optional 2FA is requested.

Confirmation email is send. When you click on the confirmation link in the email you are transfered to the final confirmation page.

After the confirmation the withdrawal history holds its first entry.

The transaction is pending. Few minutes later, while still writing this article, the transaction is already completed.

Since I used my Ledger Nano S ethereum address for withdrawal destination I will plug it in and check the balance on it.

Withdrawal completed

Smooth sailing throughout the whole process. It took me much more to write this article than to actually perform the withdrawal.



I am gladly confirming that WinMiner withdrawal process is easy, functional and straightforward. And working!

Communication with WinMiner Team

A short quote from the latest message from my email conversation with WinMiner team:

Affiliate plan is coming up, hope to have it ready soon so you can use it with your report.

Which is a very good news for me. I love affiliate marketing :)


  1. Home Mining With WinMiner, Situation After Two Weeks
  2. Home Mining With WinMiner
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