Rose-A Windy Day

Roses, roses and roses on a windy day in late May

The other day a deadly wind blew, which was followed by a respectable storm. Having subdued this development, I took some souvenir photos before all the plants in the garden were crushed on the ground.
The first roses that blossomed this month ( Rival de Paestum and Safrano ), which are located in the wider area of ​​the garden, unfortunately they had already lost the petals. Many others, however, are blooming right now, so the whole is quite pleasant and full of points of interest.
As you can see from the first image, my plan to delimit the central flowerbed is taking shape more and more. We bought those gray bricks because the red test ones that I had used in recent days ( link ), although they are more beautiful, do not match color with the rest of the walkways. What you see, however, is not yet the final result. For the moment, the bricks are only resting on the ground, then they will be buried so that the horizontal bricks are flush with the ground and those in the vertical snack of about 5 cm.
The project will not cost much, since it is not many meters: I will get away with just € 10. A little at a time I could think of replacing bricks with pebbles everywhere.

But it's time to start a nice exploratory tour of the garden.
The white rose that you see on the bottom left is White Meidiland , an easy rose under all points of view and that always gives a lot of satisfaction. Sana, incredibly flowering, easy to reproduce by cutting, does not fear the most barbarous pruning ... Excellent choice for those approaching for the first time in the world of roses.

White Meidiland

Next to White Meidiland there is a Centifolia rose : a unique but very abundant and fragrant bloom. It is also very pollonant, so from year to year it expands quite dramatically.

Rosa centifolia

Under the big cherry tree is the Jude de Obscure , an Englishwoman who always puts so many doubts on rose lovers. As I also confirmed here on the blog and on the Facebook page, in the early years of implantation it always seems unwell and hardly two flowers on the cross. From the third year , however, usually , undergoes a metamorphosis that leads her to finally become lush and floriferous. It is worth to be patient even for its scent, intoxicating and original.

Jude the Obscure

Following is my new Golden Celebration . D fter months of transplanting the past in small cuttings that I had at the time obtained from dead plant two years ago, has produced quite a few flowers.

Golden Celebration

Continuing along the fence you get to the Honeysuckle , which is stubborn to grow towards the garden of my neighbor. Now that he grew up I started to see him too and not just him: lucky neighbor!


Here we are at the bow area, which at the moment is not bad: the little creeper Kathleen is the great protagonist.


Behind him the marvelous Gallic Charles de Mills . Every time I look at it I think it's too hidden but I can not find a solution to make it stand out.

Kathleen and Charles de Mills

Next to the bow there is another Englishman, Gertrude Jekyll : its scent is very intense and classic, so much so that this variety is widely used in perfumery for the production of rose essence.

Gertrude Jekyll

Here are the last three roses I mentioned, all three together, in this jungle species ...

Kathleen, Charles de Mills and Gertrude Jekyll

The wind has messed up my first streaked pink, the Incomparable d'Auteuil . It is a Gallica with an explosive flowering, as well as very particular flowers. It is not easy to find around but if you catch her ... do not let her escape.

And now change of scenery: the area behind the warehouse starts to become the more cottage-style garden.
In the overall picture you can see the Hosta with their green and white leaves. I have discovered that I love these little perennials madly: so far I have not found a suitable plant in the shade that is more suitable than them. I also have dark green streaked with lime green, but they are still small. Behind the Hosta I planted some common hydrangea cuttings ( Hydrangea macrophylla ) that I had before in pot. The truth is that I did not know where to put them but I was sorry to throw them away. I hope they will have a nice effect in a few years. The roses that were there before in their place (of which I wrote a short time ago [ link ]), to understand each other, were next to me while I was shooting: better not to frame them further, although they have already improved ...

I almost forgot: what is more rustic than the purple digital evil ? And how well do they get married with the Tuscany Superb rose behind them? This is also a wonderful rose, which I absolutely recommend.

Tuscany Superb

In another corner of the garden there is this beauty, the Variegata of Bologna . The petals with a white background are littered with thin purple lines. This year a particularly striking flower stands out ... It seems almost another variety! Therefore, it deserves to be put in the limelight.

A Bologna variegata with particularly striking purple streaks: it is well known also in the overall photograph of the plant

I also planted this English rose nearby, the Gentle Hermione , which was bought by my mother and kept a couple of seasons in vase. My judgment on her is still suspended. For now I find it a little 'dull, but it is the first year that passes on the ground, so I will give her time to develop better. Maybe it's like Jude the Obscure ...

I end my tour in the May garden with Pierre de Ronsard , who at the time of photography was upset by the wind: I will have to lift those branches in front of me with some twine.
And for today I stop here!
My next priority is to complete the bricks project!

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