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Blockchain Meet Renewable Energy

Energy is one of the most important needs of our age. More precisely, electrical energy. Yesterday's electricity is now the most important force that keeps our civilization alive, and we can work with everything we need. You can say it's a must for our lives. Well, if we didn't have electricity, we'd have electricity in a very limited way, so we'd be able to find this technological development together. What can the tribes living in Africa do without energy? Just trying to survive and live in ordinary life.
Today, we are surrounded by tens of thousands of electrical devices. What gives us this energy is the renewable energy sources that are now often called power plants, dams and windmills. Fossil fuels such as coal and oil have been consumed for energy since ancient times. However, because of their evil environmental problems, our world has become uninhabitable. In addition, many of the power plants and dams have broken the ecological environment, so they have started to cause health and environmental problems. And finally, the removal of nuclear power plants, waste and major environmental problems, are causing irreversible major problems. That's why we have to update our energy production policies.
The sun, water, and wind that have existed with it since our world existed are actually our greatest sources of energy. But we're new to them, and they don't pollute the environment like the others. As energy, fuel stays close to the side and does not disrupt our health by not threatening the environmental health of the shot for the edible energy structures. For these reasons, edible green energy sources are known as the most popular energy sources of the day. Although it is so useful, many states find environmentally friendly new " green” energy sources to be real and the production of energy from old-fashioned expensive and harmful energy sources continues. This is why our world is not getting rid of the threat of contamination. Windhan energy company, which aims to raise awareness about people, governments and the whole world in the green energy speech, as opposed to adding value to our lives as a completely edible green energy project produced using wind energy.
Windhan energy platform is a strong and safe platform aiming to give confidence to users with its transparent and decentralized structure, which aims to raise the Middle East by gathering energy producers and consumers under one roof, and which aims to decrease the high energy costs. The wind energy platform aims to open the way for safe and healthy distribution and payment of energy thanks to the Ethereum substructure and smart contracts, and therefore, to make Kazakhstan the world's largest wind power plant in order to generate energy using natural winds of Kazakhstan land. Kazakhstan has a 108 MW of energy potential with an admiral ship project aimed to attract the attention of the world. All necessary permits and correspondence have been approved between the Windhan company and the Kazakh state. If you ask why Kazakhstan, the wind power required throughout the Year, in this region to continue without interruption and have endless vehicles is the reason. To generate wind energy already, open land and sea sides are the most convenient places. Settlements are not suitable for this. Windhan energy platform needs great financial power to realize this project. Part of this is to invest in the way of providing the ICO sales by considering. Windhan platform, which plans to attract this project investor by offering whn tokens for sale, wants to hear the project with ICO and collect the necessary funds with mass funding.
ICO and token information: 250 million whn token will be sold and 190 million of them will be allocated for the installation of wind turbines, the rest of the assembly and the project is planned to be spent according to the other part. In this project, the value of the 1whn token in ICO sales is 0.96 euro and the value of the token is expected to be doubled in 1 year.
To get more detailed information about the Windhan energy platform and to purchase whn tokens immediately visit the official website. You can review the following addresses to further investigate the project. Official sources of wind energy:
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Bitcointalk user name: Gocu
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1956167