[Interactive Novel] White Hat Black Hat: Walked Away from the Situation

Note from the Author

If this is your first time seeing this please start at the beginning of the novel.

Path to get here

  1. [START] A New Beginning
  2. Chose to Walk Away from the Situation

Chose to Walk Away from the Situation

I wanted to keep my current life. The last thing I wanted were some unnecessary intrusions entering the perfect bubble I created. Maybe this whole MultiSec thing is a scam, I thought to myself. I found myself regretting I made the phone call in the first place. An hour passed, then two I expected a phone call, the 3 hour time limit that was given to me had just ended, but another hour passed and no one called. It was midnight, so I dozed off.

I awoke abruptly to sounds coming from the floor underneath me, "CLUNK! CLUNK!" I looked at the clock it was almost 3 am. Must be the neighbors I thought to myself. I went back to sleep. Then at 4 am I was awoken by the doorbell. I looked out the peephole and I saw an old man in pajamas who I was quite sure lived in the apartment below me. I opened the door groggily and asked him, "Hello neighbor, what would you like at this hour of night?" The old man answered, "My window seems to be jammed and all of the cool night air is getting in, would you mind helping me close it." As much as I didn't want to help the man, I also wanted to be a good neighbor so I ultimately decided to help. I closed the door, walked down the stairs as the old man led me into his apartment.

The old man's apartment was quite messy, and had quite a peculiar stench that I placed somewhere between candles and rotten milk. Walking over the various piles of papers and objects lying on the ground, I made my way to the window. A chubby orange cat walked across the floor in front of me. I closed the window quite easily and turned around, and what I saw shocked me. Instead of the old man, there was a tall broad shouldered man in a suit. He spoke with a deep voice, "Our organization is displeased with your indecisiveness, we offered you 3 hours and yet you chose not to respond. We do not deal with loose ends, there are only a limited number of individuals who know about our existence. You made your intent very clear when you called the number on that card. The offer was only a formality to test your worthiness. Unfortunately, there will be consequences." The man pulled out a knife.

I looked at the old man who was now in the corner of the room cowering with his cat tightly held in his arms. The MultiSec representative must have threatened the man to lure me in. "My back is against the wall, and I only have a couple of options," I thought to myself. I had two escape routes, there was just enough space for me to quickly make a move past the man and try to run for the door, I could also open the window up and escape down the ladder connected to the small apartment balcony.

The Decision

Now it is your turn to decide, what should Alex do:

  1. Try to make a run for it past the man
  2. Open the window and try to climb down the ladder
    ** Note these will be posted as links in the comments as soon as the posts are published so stay tuned, in the meantime feel free to vote in the comments with your decision and what you would like to see
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