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A mixed wetwednesday



So a short trip back in time, and then a fun photo at the end. We get some pretty long sunsets in Alaska in the late summer. Here is one of the many I have taken over the course of this year. This is from a view from Cohoe Beach. The volcano in the left side of the picture is Mt Redoubt. We get many spectacular golden sunsets, and photos can only give you a slight clue to their beauty. No image "processing" was done on the colors, just a cropping of the shot, otherwise it is what the camera captured.

134 8-24 cohoe beach sunset.jpg

Here we have the same lake slightly different viewing locations. This is one of the many roadside lakes/ponds that are all over Alaska. This particular one is along K-Beach road near Kasilof. The first image was taken on 9-26, and the second one, one day and one month later on 10-27. Quite a difference in the colors.

135 9-26 small lake along k-beach road.jpg

006 10-27 small lake along k-beach road.jpg

For Fun

We do not have a zoo close by, You'd have to drive about four hours to get to the Anchorage Zoo. Bet we do have the Sterling Zoo. More on that in a later winter post by either myself or my wife @shasta, so you will just have to stay tuned I guess. Here is one critter from the zoo, just kind of hanging around trying to look cool and doing a pretty good job at it.

084 8-22 just a fun zoo shot.jpg

All photos in this post taken by myself