Freedom means assholes are free too.

Many of us came here to move away from a controlled site or mainstream social media. Many of us value Freedom, because crypto tends to appeal to people who value Freedom.


Have you ever noticed though many of us want Freedom, it can be a challenge sometimes to let others have it?

Sometimes when a person holds an opinion, and I disagree, I want to tell myself that the person is an asshole or wrong, sometimes both. Likely they aren't though, likely they just see the situation differently.

I want the complainers to stop complaining, but when I am frustrated I complain too. Some days I want to make a no complaining rule, other days, I want the freedom to complain.

I was thinking and talking a lot about the downvote vs. flag issue today and most of us do have opinions on this topic and yet, it isn't that anyone is wrong we just have a different view, different triggers, and different experiences. I kept having to remind myself that I don't get to tell others how to think or how to react.

There is a group of people who I enjoy who often take the hard side of flags and they feel abused. Yet they are the same people who run into these problems everywhere they go. They tell themselves they are free thinkers and more mature, but many of them are just looking for a fight and would continue to escalate until they got one, no matter what the rules are. Yet, I enjoy some of their opinions and interesting perspectives. I can't decide how they view flags they are free to react as they like.

I wanted to blame some assholes for our differences of opinion, but I guess in their eyes, I am the asshole. Some want downvotes, some don't want them at all, and there are perfectly valid reasons for both opinions if I am honest with myself. Yet, I am also okay with making a decision knowing some will not like it. If we made the other decision some still wouldn't like it... It would just be a different group.

I want to be free to say what I want and to use my stake as I wish with both upvotes and downvotes. I want you to be free to do the same.

As I watch people on this platform agree and disagree and be critical and helpful, it is challenging to remember we are just a group of people in a new situation with varying degrees of power and we are trying to sort out rules for the community, we are setting a culture and sometimes I don't care for it.

As I sort out my day, I am reminding myself that moods, opinions and discussions are just that. I don't want to be stubborn, unkind or an asshole. Often though I am.

And so are many of you.. Assholes.

In order to have my Freedom, you get to have Freedom too.

lol, see you tomorrow. Yes, I do realize this is an odd ramble. I had unsorted out thoughts and I needed to make a post. Sometimes you have to go with what you have! :)


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